Kevin Fann's Exploration in Audio Engineering (2)
Photo Courtesy: Kevin Fann

Kevin Fann’s Exploration in Audio Engineering

In today’s digital media era, the role of audio engineers has become increasingly important. Riyi Fan (Kevin Fann) carries a name that is synonymous with an unbounded passion and professionalism for audio creation in film and television. Kevin is not only a technically skilled audio engineer but also an innovator in sound art. His work is a complex process that blends artistry and technical prowess, providing audiences with immersive audio-visual experiences through meticulous sound design and mixing.

Kevin’s journey in audio engineering began at the School of Visual Arts in New York, where he delved into film and television arts, focusing on every aspect of sound, from recording to mixing and sound design. Upon graduating in 2023 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film, he had mastered an array of advanced audio techniques, including the use of industry-standard Avid Pro Tools software. These skills established a solid foundation for him in the highly competitive film and television industry. During his time at the academy, Kevin engaged in various practical projects that not only deepened his understanding of sound art but also honed his ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real production environments. He worked on projects ranging from independent short films to large-scale commercial ads, each offering him a detailed exploration into the role and power of sound in storytelling.

Since 2019, Kevin’s career took off rapidly. He worked as an audio engineer in the production and post-production of films, television, and commercial ads, gaining extensive experience and collaborating with well-known companies including PepsiCo, D&AD, and iQIYI. His professional skills and sensitivity to detail enabled him to play a key role in various projects, whether in fast-paced commercial productions or emotionally deep movie productions.

In 2022, Kevin contributed to the post-production mixing and sound design of the short film “Merlin,” directed by Korean director Min-soo Park. This work was officially selected at the New York Short Documentary Film Festival and Berlin Independent Film Festival and won the Best Documentary Short Film Award at both the New York Photography Awards and the Rome International Film Festival. Through this project, Kevin demonstrated his ability to work in a multicultural setting and his sound design’s capacity to transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with an international audience. In 2023, he collaborated again with director Min-soo Park on the documentary short “Love Letter To Asian Women,” a project that required intricate capture of emotional layers in sound design, showcasing Kevin’s expertise in expressing emotional depth through sound.

Kevin Fann's Exploration in Audio Engineering (3)
Photo Courtesy: Kevin Fann

Kevin’s extensive learning experience has made him fluent in boom operation, mixing, sound editing, and design. He is also proficient in voice-over design and recording, as well as mastering. These skills make him particularly outstanding in audio post-production. The technologies he uses, like Avid Pro Tools and immersive audio production, not only enhance his work efficiency but also improve the quality of his output. This enables him to offer innovative and customized audio solutions in a competitive market, meeting the ever-changing market demands.

Through his involvement in diverse projects, Kevin has also driven innovations in sound design in film production. For instance, his post-audio editing work in the documentary “Faith in Blackness: An Exploration of Afro-Latine Spirituality” not only captured the richness of the culture but also deepened the audience’s understanding and connection to the theme. Additionally, his work in Irish director Cian O’Connor’s film “An Chathair Mhór,” through recording and editing the detailed sounds of New York City, created an immersive soundscape for the movie, marking it as an Irish-language film in New York and showcasing his adaptability and innovation in multilingual projects. Kevin is renowned for his deep technical foundation and passion for audio art, and he stands out for implementing innovative solutions in various projects. Unsettled by traditional audio processing methods, he continually explores how to integrate new technologies and creative thinking into his work to enhance the emotional expression and immersion of the audience.

In 2024, Kevin utilized immersive audio techniques in “Dummy Detective,” directed by Rob Margolies, creating a comprehensive auditory experience for viewers. By precisely tuning sound elements, he not only enhanced the suspenseful elements of the film but also deepened the audience’s perception of the characters’ psychological states, adding depth to the film’s narrative. Kevin also actively explores new platforms and media formats, such as integrating and optimizing sound design in the ReelShort Vertical Short Film Series to accommodate the special needs of vertical video formats. These efforts not only demonstrate his adaptability to emerging media trends but also highlight his active role in pushing the technological forefront of the industry.

Kevin Fann's Exploration in Audio Engineering
Photo Courtesy: Kevin Fann

Through these activities, Kevin has not only advanced the industry technologically and artistically but also made significant contributions to talent cultivation and cultural exchange. He frequently shares knowledge at seminars and conferences while mentoring a new generation of audio engineers at the School of Visual Arts in New York, emphasizing the importance of creative thinking and continuous learning. His teaching methods not only cultivate students’ technical skills but also ignite their passion for audio art. Meanwhile, Kevin’s work experience and educational contributions are widely recognized in the industry, and he has been invited to serve as a judge at international film festivals, including those where he professionally assesses sound quality. This not only enhances his professional image but also elevates the reputation of his institution, proving his outstanding position in the global field of audio engineering. Through these diverse professional activities, Kevin not only drives the industry’s technological and artistic development but also makes significant contributions to talent cultivation and cultural exchange. His work showcases how an audio engineer can influence and inspire an entire industry, pushing it forward.

Looking ahead, Kevin will continue to push the boundaries in the field of audio engineering, exploring the potential of sound in virtual and augmented realities and leveraging streaming trends to enhance storytelling. He plans to promote innovative expressions of sound art through international collaborations and establish a global studio network to nurture the next generation of audio engineers, driving continuous innovation and development in the global audio engineering industry.



Published by: Khy Talara

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