Tuesday, April 23, 2024

“I Was Shy Until I Started To Dance”

“Humankind is suffering its darkest time in modern history,” says Mike Jean, CEO of MLife Music Group. “‘No Goodbyes’ is a song for anyone who has ever lost someone.” 

Written and performed by Norman Alexander “No Goodbyes” is the heart and soul of the tribute video In Memoriam, providing the forum and feeling for American Ballet Theater’s Erica Lall and Carlos Gonzalez’s performance of pain and poetry.

“When I first heard Norman’s piercing emotions [in “No Goodbyes”] I thought about my two grandfathers, who I feel are still with me,” says Lall. “With the losses of the past year, I feel this song will offer comfort to so many.”

Styled by celebrity designer and stylist Henry Picado and filmed by Austin Hein Productions In Memoriam invites viewers to feel. And remember.

“Such a strong and needed message in the world we live in right now,” says Gonzalez. “So many people are losing their lives, and it’s important we appreciate all those around us who have helped and continue to help us grow and learn. ‘No Goodbyes’ speaks to that.”

And so does dancing.

Lall and Gonzalez both found a profession in an art form that expresses and heals, much like music. 

“Dancing has always been a part of my life,” says Gonzalez. “I started when I was 6 and haven’t stopped ever since. I discovered a different way of expressing my feelings and my emotions through movement.”

“I was shy until I started to dance,” says Lall. “It’s how I express my joy and vulnerability and how I share my heart with the world. “

Talking about his first release, “No Goodbyes,” Alexander says, “It is important that we remember our loved ones just the way they were. We must never forget them, tell the world of the stories they left behind, and say their names so they echo through time.”

In Memoriam is now available.

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