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Interviewing Saydiburkhon Saydirasulov, One of the Top Business Development Professionals in the Tech Space

Image Commercially Licensed From: Unsplash

We had the pleasure of interviewing Saydiburkhon Saydirasulov, a prominent business development professional in the tech industry. Saydiburkhon’s expertise in new business development, revenue generation, growth strategy, as well as sales automation, has made him a valuable asset to, a top-rated US-based app development company where he currently serves as a business development executive. He has also worked with reputable startups such as SHEIN and Allbirds, providing them with product development, technical market research, automation, and growth strategy services. Saydiburkhon is from Uzbekistan, Tashkent  but at the time of our interview he was in Frankfurt, Germany. We spoke with him to gain insight into his success and his thoughts on the future of technology.

Q: Can you tell us about your role as a business development executive at

At, I’m responsible for sales growth, revenue generation as well as customer relationships. I communicate with businesses wanting to develop or upgrade their software and advise them on the best technical approach based on their business model. It usually takes several meetings to understand their business and goals before we can come up with a proposal. So we spend time on creating a game plan outlining all the features and technical work for the development based on our technical research. 

Q: How have you contributed to making a top-rated app development company?

One of the many ways I have been able to contribute is through my expertise in automation that helped attain a great deal of efficiency for the company. This has resulted in significant increases in sales. I have also worked with a number of reputable startups such as SHEIN and Allbirds, providing them with product development, technical market research, automation, and growth strategy services. 

Q: How do you see the advancements in IT contributing to social improvement?

I believe that the advancements in IT should be put to good use, as they are the single factor most capable of bringing about significant social improvement. As an IT specialist and business development professional, I am certain that the solutions we develop today will continue to pay dividends for years to come.

Q: What do you think are the most important skills for a business development professional in the tech industry?

The most important skills for a business development professional in the tech industry are the ability to understand technology and its applications, good communication skills, and the ability to develop creative solutions to problems. The tech industry is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in order to provide the best solutions to clients.

Q: What advice do you have for startups looking to develop their software or improve their IT operations?

My advice for startups looking to develop their software or improve their IT operations is to focus on their core competencies and outsource non-core activities to experts in the field. This can help them save time, money, and resources while still getting the best results. It’s also important to develop a growth strategy that takes into account their unique business model and target market.

Q: What are your future goals for your career in the tech industry?

My future goals are to continue to grow and develop as a business development professional in the tech industry. I want to help more businesses reach their full potential by providing them with the best solutions and services available. I also hope to continue to contribute to the growth of the tech industry both locally and globally.

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