Nick Laureano Inspires Confidence and Motivation through Only the Motivated Clothing Brand

Day by day, the motivation and desire to wake up and keep striving keeps dwindling as many individuals are faced with the problem of motivating themselves. This is a time when every machinery that initially was put in place to make the lives of every human better has turned around to frustrate them, with many on the verge of giving up. Nick Laureano understands what it means to be alone, unmotivated, and faced with daunting tasks such as reawakening the sleeping giant in each person. And as a man who has fought and emerged victorious, he is using his platform to campaign for a change and help others thrive.

Nick Laureano is an actor, motivational influencer, and the founder and CEO of Only the Motivated Clothing, a clothing brand used to motivate other people, especially the youth who find themselves at the receiving end of society’s cruelty and brunt. The brand represents Nick’s way of furthering my reach to motivating others on their journey and instilling in them the importance of hard work, perseverance and trusting your struggle. As a content creator, Nick uses his well-thought-out content to identify and pick out the everyday struggles of man and, in his little way, inspires confidence and a never say die attitude. 

The Brockton-born actor and entrepreneur understand that everybody has a story to tell, and each story is unique to everyone’s reality. Nobody’s story is more touching than another because no experience outshines another person’s experience in the journey of life. Leaving behind a career as an actor, Nick decided to pursue a career as a motivational leader because, having lived a life of no support, being constantly hung out to dry and getting thrown under the bus, he has experienced firsthand the dangers associated with being alone and how it is a slippery slope, which, if not adequately addressed, will trap many young people.  

Thus, acting became an escape for him; and only then did he realize how important staying motivated and channeling one’s pains into a passion can be beneficial. Today, Nick is using his platform to inspire other young people who are on the verge of giving up.

“I make content on social media through videos and quotes to push others who feel they have lost all sense of who they are and what their life’s path is meant to entail,” he explained. 

While describing what drives him and what he hopes to achieve through Only the Motivated Clothing, Nick said, “I enjoy seeing others smile and thriving at their peak. That brings me bliss and fulfills me to keep going as well. Everyone I come across whether I know them or not.” And when the going gets tough—because it will and at some point, everyone will feel like giving up, the most important thing is to remain motivated and, more importantly, be there for others who might feel like throwing in the towel. 

Learn more about Nick Laureano and his work by visiting his website or by following his Instagram page.

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