Mood By a Millennial Now Offering Accessories
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Mood By a Millennial Now Offering Accessories

With the success of her debut book, “A Safe Place to Land: Mood By a Millennial,” Pria Showalter is not only penning the sequel but has also expanded her lifestyle brand, Mood By a Millennial. The brand has recently added a line of greeting cards and accessories to their impressive catalog, which includes apparel, home decor, and books.

The Mood By Millennial brand is a clarion call to all to recognize and utilize their unique talents, potentially birthing a new generation of entrepreneurs. In essence, the brand serves as a retail motivation oasis for those navigating the convoluted labyrinth of adulthood. The new line of accessories bears the brand logo and allows fans to show their support via a selection of premium products.

Mood By a Millennial focuses mostly on women of color within the millennial generation – aged 25 and up – but is committed to providing a safe haven for everyone in need, reflecting emotions and thoughts that many may feel too inhibited to vocalize. 

Mood By a Millennial Now Offering Accessories
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The brand’s message is disseminated through innovative mediums featured in Showalter’s book, “A Safe Place to Land: Mood By a Millennial”. These include workshops, pop culture quizzes, affirmations, playlists, business tips, and more. The book serves as a beacon of hope for the younger generations, challenging the parochial views of success and perfection. Showalter embraces authenticity and resilience as the keys to thriving, encouraging her readers to strive for their goals irrespective of life’s hurdles.

Pria Showalter is also a self-care enthusiast, millennial lifestyle maven, and an astute co-pilot guiding her audience through the journey of life. A graduate of the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, New York, Showalter’s passion for creativity has found expression in diverse forms like art, film, and content curation, reaching people across the globe and inspiring them to pursue happiness on their terms.

The visionary author and entrepreneur sits on the board of the Sandra Showalter Williams Foundation, leveraging her platform to mentor people and help them sharpen their entrepreneurial skills. Her lifestyle brand, Mood By a Millennial, celebrates individuality while navigating the complexities of adulthood.

In the next five years, Showalter envisions Mood By a Millennial transforming into a household name, empowering women across all demographics to have their voices heard. She sees her brand expanding its reach by organizing interactive workshop conferences globally, fostering partnerships with major retailers, and promoting her product lines. Most importantly, she aims to break old mindsets and nurture a community that values setting personal and professional boundaries.

“Staying in your lane is important, but knowing when to switch lanes is too,” Showalter shares about her pathway to success. “Good timing is everything. What’s meant for you won’t pass you. You are the main character of your story, so define what success is on your terms.”

The launch of the new Mood By a Millennial products – which includes greeting cards as well as the new accessories – stands testament to Showalter’s unwavering commitment to her vision, setting a stellar example for aspiring entrepreneurs.

“This marks an exciting milestone for our brand,” Showalter says. “It’s been a journey to get to this point but now that the company is really growing and expanding, it’s all paying off. I honestly feel that entrepreneurship, though challenging, is a path worth taking. With consistency, work ethic, and vision, the recipe for success is inevitable.”

With Pria Showalter’s vision and commitment to empowering individuals, the brand continues to provide a safe space for self-expression and personal growth. As they strive to become a household name and empower women across the globe, Mood By a Millennial remains dedicated to helping individuals define their own success and pursue their dreams with unwavering passion and authenticity.

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Author Instagram: @iamlapria

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