Meet Katherine Loaiza: An versatile serial entrepreneur taking the world of cosmetic, beauty, and care to next level.

Katherine Loaiza is the co-founder and CEO of “GoLab Cosmetics” and is all geared up to launch her own cosmetics brand named “Kathedicecosmetics”.

The last couple of decades has seen humongous developments happening across the healthcare industry and medical sciences. The exponential growth of other diverse sectors has propelled the healthcare industry too in many ways to provide cutting-edge technologies, new advents, and advancements, all of which has benefited and improve the overall health of humans. Today the patients are blessed to have more treatment options, new technologies, latest products, procedures and services that have helped them to relive their lives. The world of cosmetics, beauty, and care too as an niche has seen tremendous developments which has enabled the patients to look better, feel better and happy. We met one multi-faceted serial entrepreneur of the next generation changing the landscape of the cosmetic world with her immaculate passion, skills, and expertise- Katherine Loaiza.

Taking the entrepreneurial and business sector to great heights with her core business values, innate skills and strategies has been Katherine Loaiza. Being inclined towards the business world since childhood, Katherine always wanted to be her own boss and own her own company. Little did she knew and one day she will emerge super victorious and scale great heights of success setting high benchmarks for million others to follow. Her interests towards the cosmetic world helped her set a strong stand within the markets and today with more than 12 years of rich experience in this field, Katherine has set the bar too high for expectations, delivering desired results and performance on consistent basis. But all the success that she enjoys today wasn’t a cake walk, she had to hustle hard and go through the grind initially to make her special place and niche for herself. After tasting failure by distributing cosmetic products, Katherine rose to own her cosmetic laboratories which would export cosmetics in private label lines across the globe.

Being an passionate entrepreneur and a visionary, Katherine is a co-founder and CEO of “GoLab Cosmetics” which is a cosmetics products laboratory with clients at the national and international level. She is all set to launch her own line soon which would be named “Kathedicecosmetics”. Providing the best cosmetic products and helping millions change their lives, Katherine wants her clients to feel confident and free. Katherine has been able to garner much love and recognition from her clientele and is also appreciated by industry peers as well. Having won many awards and accolades, Katherine wishes to keep pushing limits and go beyond boundaries to set a great example in front of many new young women entrepreneurs.

In no time, Katherine Loaiza has become a prominent name and figure in the cosmetic world and is well recognized by the industry. Katherine has been chosen one of the 10 speakers for the first latinoamerican transformation conference which would be held on 22nd and 23rd of January. She will share deep insights about her purpose, experience, and will also be measuring emotions with Feelenials.

For more details, follow her on Instagram katheloaiza or visit the website :

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