Latina Influencer Jules Rodriguez Launched the E-commerce Platform, BuildtoBlossom to Deliver Eco-friendly Products to the World

Challenging the status quo is a major quality of changemakers, and elite Latina influencer, Jules Rodriguez, is making changes through her new e-commerce brand, BuildtoBlossom.

Inspired by Amazon’s reach and influence globally and how products from the platform are not wholly eco-friendly and sustainable, Jules Rodriguez set out to change that by launching her brand to sell only eco-friendly and sustainable products. As a media professional with solid experience in e-commerce and strong influence, Jules realized that she could make a change in the e-commerce sector. The brand, BuildtoBlossom came to life and under it, Jules has launched an organic luxury skincare line and an everyday wear and activewear line with unique designs for men and women.

Jules Rodriguez’s foray into the business world was inspired by influence across multiple spaces, from entertainment to fashion, real estate and building ventures from scratch. She is a travel blogger and has received awards for the different ventures she has launched. In 2019, she received the OMMA Award for Best Advertising Campaign Chicos. The brand, BuildtoBlossom is set to feature in the 2023 Grammy Awards Celebrity Gift bags and in Haute Living this September. Her sustainable swimsuit line, which was launched in 2021, will also be a dominant part of the BuildtoBlossom brand, which is set to change the core value offerings of e-commerce brands. She has also built quite a following on TikTok with the funny videos she creates with her fiancé. 

While BuildtoBlossom is in its growth stage, it takes pride in the value it offers, which is being a sustainable marketplace. Jules has also partnered with quality eco-friendly brands while creating branded products for BuildtoBlossom to help the brand take off. The unique product styles and offerings have made many people tilt toward the brand, and Jules is enthusiastic about the growth to come.

As an influencer building businesses competing directly with global corporations, Jules Rodriguez understands that she’s taking on an enormous task and hopes her journey gives other budding entrepreneurs an insight into the world of business. “Everything seems easier on the outside. Being an influencer/content creator is a challenging job. There is a lot of work that goes behind it, and you have to be able to accept rejection and criticism easily. Launching an e-commerce is an extremely competitive space. Do your research. I went as far as obtaining a media degree and putting years in corporate before launching BuildtoBlossom. And if you really want this life, you have to be ready to work for it. Social media platforms and seeing the luxurious part of being an influencer, people assume it’s easy, but it’s really not,” Jules revealed.

Over the next few years, Jules Rodriguez sees BuildtoBlossom expanding to more international destinations and launching more branded products. Currently, the brand has a presence in Germany, Australia, UK and France. Jules’ goal is to be a recognized designer and launch a reality TV show out of her business journey. Creating a brand that makes the world better and safer is the most important part of the journey for Jules Rodriguez, and she’s excited about getting recognized for her efforts and her products globally adopted.

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