Author Jonathan Brierre’s A Short Handbook for Happiness Highlights How “Perfection Can Be Found From Our Imperfect Lives”

Every individual has struggled to find answers to their thoughts and existence. In fact, as proof of how it is a shared experience among people, several inspirational and spiritual stories are often featured in daily news tabloids or online pop-ups. However, finding the answers to self-awareness and inner peace requires time and effort. Jonathan Brierre’s A Short Handbook for Happiness is a simple and impactful guide that helps individuals in their journey to achieving personal freedom and happiness.

Jonathan Brierre is a software engineer who believes that love and inspiration are some of the constants in life. The sole purpose of his book is to assist others in discovering their own unique paths to enlightenment, oneness, and God. Furthermore, his work is backed by science-based findings and theorems regarding the nature of consciousness. 

During his early days, Jonathan grew up in a Roman Catholic family with strong sentiments towards the Church and its ways. However, as he started relying on science to find the answers to his questions, he began thinking of spirituality and religion as ideas created to control others. To deal with mental health problems like social anxiety and paranoia, he started spending more time with himself. Gradually, he began to understand his shortcomings and started working on himself for self-growth and well-being. 

“As I meditated alone, I started to become familiar with a certain presence within me. At the time, I didn’t know what it was and couldn’t put any words to it, but in retrospect, I’ve come to see it as the presence of God in my life,” said the author.

Using his understanding of human consciousness and contemporary psychology, Jonathan expounded a three-step approach that lets people let go of any restricting thought patterns. The subconscious mind can be difficult to program with new, more optimistic thoughts and emotional experiences, but Jonathan outlines how to do so with the correct guiding principles, conventional wisdom, and personal experiences.

Apart from being a successful engineer and renowned author, Jonathan also has a private consulting business established to spread joy, love, and abundance in everyone’s lives. He also attends talks and provides consultation to people to help them choose and prioritize their personal freedom. He believes that his work will help anyone attain wisdom and confidence if they dedicate themselves to it the right way.

Over time people began to express their awe and wonder by listening to his story, which motivated him to share his experiences to influence others. When asked about his book, Jonathan says, “I truly believe that the truth in things should not be expressed in too many words; if it needs excessive explaining, then it cannot be truthful. That is why I created my book to be less than 70 pages. It can be read in less than an hour, but its principles will change your life forever.”

A Short Handbook for Happiness aims to highlight that love, happiness, and peace still exist in the universe, and readers will find them in abundance once they open themselves up for it. Furthermore, the book allows its readers to channel negative thoughts and emotional patterns and transform them into inner peace and prosperity.  


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