How Ted Mccoll Is Shaping The Fitness Of The Elites Through Thoro

“The No. 1 thing that inspired me to get into the fitness industry was my journey with fitness and my struggles,” he said. “I always thought I was pretty fit and athletic. When I entered the real world, post-college, I had a business that I built and sold, and I realized how hard it was to actually work, have a social life, travel for work, and stay fit.”

Ted McColl, the founder of Thoro Fitness is a trainer to the executives and elites. He has helped scores of entrepreneurs and executives get into the best shape of their lives while increasing their energy, confidence, and efficiency at work. 

McColl got the idea to develop a fitness regime for busy lives through personal experience, saying, “I have always been into fitness, and I always exercised to keep myself athletic and fit. But after I graduated, and started my life in the real world, I realised how hard it was to stay fit while working, maintaining relationships, and travelling. I love to work and travel, I had a business that I built from the ground up and sold to UK’s biggest startup. I have visited some amazing places and hold those journeys dear to my heart.”.

“But above everything, fitness is the closest to me. What many people do not realise is that your fitness has a deep relation to your overall wellbeing. If we don’t work towards maintaining our fitness, it will have negative effects and I want to help others so they don’t go through the same struggles that I went through.”.

Through Thoro, McColl formulates customised workout and nutrition plans and a team of coaches develop a system of personalised programming, account and support. Since Thoro’s clients are high-powered executives and entrepreneurs, their schedules are busy and through Thoro they are able to maintain a fitness regime that suits their needs.  

Very soon, Thoro will be introducing its line of health supplements. 

McColl says, “Life is very short, and to make the most of it we have to stay healthy. One can easily fall into the trap of a sedentary life. Try to stay active, and to be healthy you don’t have to be entirely dependent on the gym; hiking, daily walks, swimming, even such activities can be great for you. And remember to listen to your body, it will always tell you what it needs and when it needs it, always hear what the body is telling you and you will always be on the top of your fitness.”.

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