Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How Personal Branding can Take Your Business to the Next Level, With Samina Chowdhury

Samina Chowdhury elevated from the top 20% to the top 4% of real estate agents in Maryland through perseverance and hard work. Not only does she dedicate herself to providing the best client experience and services, but she communicates her brand and makes herself available in many ways. For realtors and entrepreneurs with similar aspirations, Samina recommends going above and beyond by investing time in building a presence online to ensure people understand what it will be like when working with you – before they even meet you!

Samina’s branding is solid and transparent. As an immigrant, she strives to provide newcomers to the US and others with unmatched service and hospitality. She is known for understanding different cultures and embodying that person people trust to find places where they will feel most comfortable and at home. So, in addition to knowing the schools in the area, she also has a good understanding of who is where in the communities she works in. This way, she can help people find their new favorite grocers, doctors and other services in their new home.

Samina believes that anyone is capable of creating a brand. Think about your unique offering and approach that is different from the rest and maximize on it. Maximize your brand by ensuring everyone you meet knows those are the defining factors of your service. Samina suggests starting small by putting some YouTube videos out there and getting conversations started at local events. The goal is to allow people to see you as more than a salesperson; they see you for the incredible person you are and what you have to offer. 

Making Your Voice Public
Samina has always been a friendly person, but just like most people, she wasn’t always so great at selling herself. As she gained confidence in her abilities and better understood what people were looking for she was able to take hold of the reins and really explode her business.

For example, during the pandemic, she realized how important online video communication was to keeping her name out there and promoting a positive flow of business. When the pandemic hit, many realtors didn’t know what to do; some even shutdown operations for a while, missing out on the boom that came shortly after. Most realtors resorted to taking prospective buyers through homes via chat apps; Samina got creative and busy filming and editing video home previews for people to see on her YouTube channel. She and her clients found it much easier than viewing a poorly shot walk through a home, and they loved the simplicity of having a view right at their fingertips with no need to plan a meeting.      

Today, she makes consistent efforts to reach new audiences by being present on multiple platforms like YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. Samina believes getting yourself and your brand out there is of the utmost importance. It may seem like wasted time if you aren’t getting hundreds of likes on each post daily, but finding you and understanding what you stand for becomes easier for clients. It’s similar to choosing to change coffee brands; the more times you see that coffee brand posted online, the more likely you will make the switch. 

Next, Samina says public speaking is essential too. If you start off at small local events, maybe talking about homes in the area or new tactics, that could lead to international-level speaking engagements that attract tons of new business. Again, however, your brand and your voice need to be clear, consistent and well-defined. People are looking for someone they can trust, and building consistency in your delivery will help to solidify that image in their minds.

Bringing Your Business to the Next Level the Samina Sells Way
To realize success, you first want to build your brand. Decide what you stand for and what sets you apart from the pack. Next, construct a clear and consistent message around your brand. Last, deliver content that communicates your brand and services in ways that a broad audience can find. Visit the Samina Sells website to discover how she brands and advocates for herself. 

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