Emil Anton
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Emil Anton – The Man Behind The Best Performance Enhancing App

ALUX  is the app that presents actionable coaching suggestions and self-development approaches for the digital generation, for those high achievers, the future billionaires!

We’ve found one of the largest communities of self-development & fine living enthusiasts in the world! Over 4.3 millions of people are daily on ALUX app & their YouTube channel to get their daily wisdom! Why? Because ALUX is already a worldwide recognized authority when it comes to self-development and actionable paths. The experience is transformative by nature and supports digital generation to establish and reach their own goals.

ALUX is a tech & media platform designed to elevate the human experience. ALUX, the performance enhancing app, has experts from all over the world that are mixing multiple sources of knowledge together with personal experience and unique interpretations on what is the best way to apply wisdom principles and use it daily for a better life. The community of millions of people passionate about personal development and a successful life, come to enjoy quality content especially produced for them! Using the actionable coaching and education APP for their benefit.

Now, let’s meet Emil Anton, the founder of ALUX, a young entrepreneur that wanted the best education for him. His self-growth journey created the ALUX path for millions of people from all over the world. 

Emil has realized in his teen years that self-development is key for a transformative life. So he commenced by educating himself, reading a lot and analyzing the books and authors he was reading or experts that he was following. This is how it started ALUX Youtube channel, with the desire to share the knowledge he was getting from his personal development journey. Now the community has over 4.3 million followers that come back daily to take their lessons and use the ALUX app to enhance their performance on different pillars of their life. The ALUX community grew organically thanks to the nature of the content and its high quality.

Now, after almost 10 years of sharing the knowledge, the ALUX community has access to some of the best coaches in the world, the right influencers to follow and take notes, the trainers of well-known entrepreneurs and many more interesting people. And users get all this via the ALUX app that offers specialized support for everyone, no matter where they live and which type of life they prefer! Now anyone can reach their goals, develop themselves and achieve their full life potential with the help of experts. ALUX IS A CURATOR OF KNOWLEDGE that does not simply handpick the information, instead it BREAKS IT down for anyone to understand how to apply it. Mentor, teacher, coach, all in your pocket with ALUX. So it depends on the person what he or she chooses to do and how to implement all the information especially curated.
Emil Anton
Emil has developed ALUX in an educational hub on a mission to change the lives of 1 billion people. His idea is to help them find their way, the transformative experience for the digital generations to build their own plan for self-development. ALUX is there, sharing knowingness, and tips to help them on their path for the goals they have in life.

Actually it already started to help those that are the most in need. A part of ALUX revenue goes towards educational social projects! Together with the community, he started building the first ALUX school in UGANDA for 60.000 people that truthfully need better education in their life! Projects like this one, that started last year, is how he measures the success based on the impact ALUX has had into the lives of those who need it most. And projects like this makes the ALUX app even more amazing.

Usually, there are many aspects of life that people might want to improve on, and although they can be in different areas, the path to get there is very similar. According to the ALUX perspective, the app is helping their users find their way, the transformative by nature experience for those digital generations. ALUX is there, sharing knowingness, and tips to help them on their path for the goals they have in life.

THIS APP IS FOR EVERY DIGITAL AND SELF-IMPROVEMENT OBSESSED! Emil has build with his ALUX team a tracking and improving system, is what ALUX calls the 5 pillars of life: 

✅ Finance

✅ Relationships

✅ Health

✅ Emotions

✅ Intellect

And the app is adapting its content according to the essential pillars of each individual. ALUX app will soon launch collections and special collaborations to build special content dedicated to the pillars and each individual development journey. So if you are in search of support for your performance enhancement, ALUX APP is the first thing you have to download TODAY! 

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