Friday, April 19, 2024

EDSOMA Shapes the Future by Instilling Quality Reading Culture in Children and Adults

The world has experienced a shift since the pandemic broke out. Now, self-education has taken a stronger stand than ever, with remote learning and parents actively being school teachers’ assistants. This has, however, enabled poor quality learning and reading. To fix the situation, Kyle Wallgren got the idea to build a new communication and reading application called Edsoma.

Edsoma was designed to get children back in the reading culture and help them bond better with the authority figures in their lives. The app has been on the trajectory to become every family’s favorite reading application with its numerous features and functionalities that encourage bonding while learning. One remarkable thing about Edsoma is that parents and guardians do not need to be physically present with their children to read with them. Instead, they can do the reading from any part of the world and still achieve the same.

The app’s creator and CEO, Kyle Wallgren, got the inspiration to build the app due to his marital status as a divorced parent.

“I wanted to continue reading with my children even when I’m not with them. So, I created this app for not just myself but other parents in a similar situation,” he revealed. “Not just divorced parents can benefit from this app, other parents who have to travel for work and veterans get to spend time with their children.”

Beyond being just a reading application, Edsoma also does some tutoring by means of correcting readers when they mispronounce a word during a read-aloud. This is one of the app’s key selling points, as children are prone to mispronouncing words or skipping them altogether. So, the app steps in and corrects the pronunciation to make sure they read words correctly. Keeping track of reading activities has also been made easier on Edsoma, as parents, schools, and teachers can all monitor books read and progress made.

Edsoma got some props recently at the SXSW Convention in Austin, Texas, where people expressed deep interest in the app and were enthusiastic about getting it on their devices. Wallgren notes that people’s interest in the app is not entirely surprising, as many children have fallen behind with their reading during the pandemic.

“I especially love the increased confidence we see in children using the app combined with the boosted passion for learning and actually learning how to read words correctly,” he said.

The public launch date for Edsoma is this spring, and right now, the website has gone live for pre-subscription registrations. Teachers and parents already have rave reviews about the application, which has set plans for future collaborations with schools and tutoring companies in motion.

In the next few years, the goal for Edsoma is to be a part of more educational and parenting programs, helping children develop their reading skills and relationships with parents, guardians, and teachers.

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