Cremation Jewelry for Ashes – Turning Your Pet Into A Diamond

Is your pet getting ready to go over the rainbow bridge? It’s always hard to say goodbye to someone we’ve got a strong connection with, whether it’s a person or an animal. When your pet is approaching their last days, it’s natural to want to spend every moment possible with them and give them the best send-off you can.

If you’re struggling to imagine your life without your pet, you may find some solace in a cremation ring. By turning your pet’s ashes into a diamond, you can still feel close to them long after they’ve passed on. Every time you see your unique ring sparkle in the light, you’ll remember all the happiness your wonderful pet brought into your life and how they’ll never be truly gone as long as you remember them.

Making a pet cremation ring

If your pet was the gem in your life, it’s only fitting that you turn them into something equally as precious after their death. A diamond makes the perfect tribute. It acts as a reminder of the sparkle, joy, and beauty your pet brought to your life and symbolizes that just because they’re no longer here, doesn’t mean they won’t continue to be by your side for the rest of time.

Does my diamond truly contain my pet?

Yes, your pet cremation ring really will contain the essence of your pet. While the diamonds mined from the Earth are made from anonymous carbon, your pet cremation ring is made from your pet’s ashes. Although you can no longer pet them, you can still keep them close to you forever.

How is it done?

Making a diamond from ashes is a highly sophisticated process. The first step is to carefully extract pure carbon from the ashes. The carbon is then combined with a diamond growing seed and placed inside an HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) machine that creates the conditions needed to create a diamond.

After several weeks of intense heat and pressure, the ashes from your pet transform into a genuine sparkling diamond. It’s then cut and polished according to your wishes and placed in a beautiful ring setting for you to wear.

You can choose exactly what your diamond looks like. You can have it made into a heart shape to signify the love you have for your pet or request a blue diamond to reflect the color of your pet’s eyes. What it looks like is entirely up to you — it’s a completely bespoke experience.

The significance of a cremation ring

A cremation ring is a respectful, heartfelt way to honor the dead. This type of loving memorial isn’t limited to pets — you can create a cremation ring out of human ashes, too. Wanting to immortalize a loved one is a tradition that goes back centuries. Thanks to modern technology, today it’s possible to keep a part of your loved one or pet with you at all times, long after they’ve passed away.

Cremation jewelry can greatly help you if you’re struggling with grief. It can provide you with a productive distraction and help you gain some closure so you can progress through your journey. It can provide you with a different kind of connection to the person or pet you miss so much.

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