Many people today struggle to prepare for their financial future. The ones that do make it to the retirement stage sometimes realize that they lost themselves in the process and ended up not living a meaningful retirement life. This is what Carla Garcia realized after spending almost 20 years helping retirees. Motivated by these experiences, she started My Plan Keeper, a firm dedicated to helping people prepare financially for many generations to come.
My Plan Keeper is a company that uses honesty and evidence-based research to create strategies that help people live the best life. The company does this by focusing on safety-first retirement planning. My Plan Keeper is for people who want to be part of a different approach and who seek to learn and apply strategies to protect themselves from the loss that some baby boomers are experiencing.
At the helm of the company’s mission is Carla, a retirement expert who gave up a lot to help people build stability in their personal finance. The consultant’s goal today is to help newer generations by teaching them investment principles that will multiply their income while helping baby boomers restructure their assets with an income and asset protection focus. “In reality, we are here for them, but the biggest impact My Plan Keeper will have is on Generation X and the Millennials who want to be wise and shift their minds and plan with purpose” shares Carla.
While many people have been retiring in large numbers, most of them do not have enough money to retire. This is mostly due to the lack of planning for those who are coming out of employment. Now, Carla wants to start a revolution that will help millions of Americans gain the wealth necessary to sustain their needs through many decades.
Carla understands that planning methods used in the past will not work moving forward, which is why she has worked hard to help evolve My Plan Keeper’s system. Customers have evolved, and they expect planning that takes into account their needs and expectations. Rising costs and responsibilities don’t help in that regard. No one understands this more than people like Carla, a sole provider to three children.
Before starting My Plan Keeper, Carla had everything she needed to retire and could have chosen to stay in the status quo. But after getting a calling from God to help others prepare for their golden years, Carla took a big risk and left without hesitation. “This has already changed my life in so many ways,” she says.
Carla knew what she stood for and realized the impact she could have on clients, which was all she needed to begin her career. Carla built her brand with purpose. She made sure to learn everything she knew again, hired the best of the best when it came to advanced strategies and did many trials and errors to ensure she had the right processes.
Carla wants people to find strength and wisdom through her programs and tools. She believes that if people understand the power of being wise and how wise decisions and discipline will put them into a better place, then they will find peace in their lives. She also hopes to bring awareness of what a Financial Keeper is by turning it into a source of guidance and advice for all. As a retirement expert Carla has done research into the psychology and behavioral aspects of retirement decisions and how planning and actions taken makes a big impact on stress and anxiety and living a meaningful retirement. Carla is about to launch a tool that will be first in the retirement world, focusing on building an empire to assist retirees through education and coaching.