Can a Bulletproof Vest Stop an AK 47?

Can a Bulletproof Vest Stop an AK 47?

When you hear the word ‘rifle,’ the first things you might think of might include ‘powerful weapon’ or, more specifically, ‘AK-47.’ It’s one of the popular types of rifles in the world, alongside the AR-15. It’s also likely that among the 32% of Americans who personally own a firearm, a considerable number of them have an AK-47 in their possession.

Given the number of gun owners, one question may come to mind: can you protect yourself from a firearm with a bulletproof vest? It’s designed to withstand bullets and shrapnel, potentially saving your life in a dangerous situation. But can it stop an AK-47? Check out this piece to know if it does and more regarding its limitations and legalities.

Types of Bulletproof Vests 

Not all bulletproof vests are made equal. You can have one that’s more lightweight—like a singlet—or heavy-duty, which you often see on law enforcement officers and military personnel. There are various options available, with some looking like hoodies, but the main types include:

Soft Armor 

This type of armor vest can handle handgun rounds and some lower-powered rifle rounds with its ballistic-resistant materials like Kevlar. Soft armor is helpful in slowing down, stopping, and trapping bullets from the owned firearms, such as .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, and 9mm handguns. 

Hard Plate Carrier 

Conversely, hard plate carriers contain ballistic metal or ceramic plates, which offer excellent protection against rifles. However, don’t think that this hard armor is enough to make you impenetrable. No type of bulletproof vest will do that. Plate carriers will reduce the impact, but you may still feel pain or receive an injury from a rifle shot.

It’s vital that you buy a high-quality bulletproof vest from credible shops. These retailers ensure expert craftsmanship using only the best materials.

How To Know If Bulletproof Vests Are Effective 

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has a system to measure the effectiveness of bulletproof vests. It sets ballistic standards for body armor, protective clothing, and even children’s bulletproof backpacks. Its rating system, which has been used since 1972, ensures these items are manufactured according to specific performance standards.

Levels of Vest Protection 

Bulletproof vests offer five levels of handgun or rifle protection. These are:   

Level IIA 

NIJ Level IIA vests offer the least protection among bulletproof vests. They can stop some low-caliber handgun rounds, like .22 Long Rifle and .380 Auto, but they won’t stop common handgun calibers used in crimes. These concealable vests are lightweight and comfortable to wear, making them good options for undercover work. 

Level II

Level II vests provide a step up in protection over Level IIA. They can stop handgun rounds, including 9mm and .357 Magnum. However, they may not be effective against some higher-powered handguns or rifles. Level II vests are a great compromise between concealability and protection for some people. 

Level IIIA 

Vests under this Level can stop the common handgun rounds with some exceptions. If you’d like to protect yourself from muggings or concealed carry weapons, Level IIIA body armor is a decent option. 

Level III

A Level III ballistic vest provides more protection than the previous NIJ level. It could stop rounds from some rifles, like the AR-15 and other firearms that use 5.56mm ammunition. However, some Level III vests may not be effective against AK-47 rifles. 

Level IV

Level IV vests are your premier bets for better ballistic protection against rifle rounds. They have hard body armor plates that can stop armor-piercing rifle rounds, including the 7.62x39mm AK-47 rounds. One drawback is their weight and bulkiness, which is why they’re considered military or police equipment despite also being available to civilians. 

Can a Vest Stop an AK-47? 

The short answer is ‘it depends’. But if the bulletproof vest is a Level III or a Level IV, you could rely on it to protect you from 7.62x39mm ammunition. Body armor vests with hard armor plates should be able to withstand the power of an AK-47. If you have softer vests rated NIJ Level II or IIIA, they may not provide adequate protection against this type of rifle. 

Can a Bulletproof Vest Stop an AK 47?

Yet, Level III or Level IV bulletproof vests are still not perfect. Why is that? Factors like their materials and ability to absorb penetration may vary per manufacturer. Ideally, the vest should be made of carbon-Kevlar, with a minimum of 36 layers of the material and a weight of 300 gsm to stop rifle projectiles effectively. 

Ballistic plates also have different properties. A study suggests that silicon carbide as vest faceplates and carbon-epoxy as back plates are the ideal hybrid composition for body armor to stop AK-47 bullets. 

Limitations of Bulletproof Vests 

Even Level III and Level IV bulletproof vests won’t make you invincible. Getting shot while wearing body armor will still hurt significantly. You could also get bruises from a bullet’s blunt force trauma. In some severe cases, it may cause internal bleeding, organ damage, or broken ribs. 

Weight and mobility may also be an issue for some. Higher-level vests tend to be bulkier due to their heavy plates. Even police and soldiers have difficulty moving while wearing them in dangerous situations. 

Legality of Body Armor 

Like gun laws, the legalities of purchasing body armor vary depending on your location. Generally, there aren’t any federal restrictions on civilians buying bulletproof vests in the U.S. However, some states may restrict buying and selling of high-level vests outside of police or military personnel. 


When you want to protect yourself from rifle gunfire, a bulletproof vest may be the solution. Yet it’s crucial to remember that not every bullet-resistant body armor can stop rounds from an AK-47. The best ones are Level III and Level IV vests, but even wearing one won’t prevent blunt force trauma. 

If you’re considering buying a vest, it’s important to do your research and choose the right personal protection for your needs. 


“Key facts about Americans and guns,” Source:
“Body Armor Performance Standards and Compliance Testing,” Source:
“Experimental investigation of Ballistic capabilities in Carbon-Kevlar composites: Effects of weight and layer variations against 9 mm projectiles,” Source:
“Numerical Study on Ballistic Impact Performance of Hybrid Thermoset Composites Subject to Multi-Bullet Hits,” Source: 

Published by: Holy Minoza


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