Bryce Taylor Is the Next Real Estate Agent to Watch

Seeing a 19-year-old thrive in the real estate industry is a rare occurrence nowadays, but rising real estate agent Bryce Taylor is changing this perception with his grit and rare abilities. Based in New York Taylor got his license to be a professional real estate agent in just a month and a half and is now connected with Corocan, one of the most promising real estate companies in the country today. Determined to make a lasting impact on his clients, the young agent is making a lot of good impressions with his dedication to help them meet their real estate needs, making him the next real estate agent to watch.

“Unlike other real estate agents, money doesn’t play a huge role in why I decided to become an agent,” Bryce Taylor reveals. “For me, it’s more about helping people of different backgrounds find a place to call home or helping someone sell their home. Overall, just getting the chance to connect with all these people is amazing and brings me joy. This causes me to be really invested in fulfilling my clients’ needs no matter what,” he adds.

Bryce Taylor has tried his luck in other potential careers, only to be convinced more and more throughout each experience that real estate is the best compliment to his outgoing personality and passion for helping people. For a season, he looked into the possibility of practicing law. He attended a couple of law programs at Columbia University and New York Law, but he was quickly convinced that the profession was not for him. He has worked at the Botanical Garden, Chipotle, and the 1199 Benefit Fund, but none of them sparked his passion as real estate did. 

This year, Bryce Taylor is guided by the quote, “I’ll sleep when people stop looking for a place to rest.” His impressive dedication to helping his clients find their dream home is something that his clients find very refreshing in an industry that is often driven by money. Regardless of the size of the property his clients are looking for, he always treats them with the same degree of warmth and respect. He is also known to go out of his way to meet his clients’ needs, including being available to accommodate them 24/7. As someone who specializes in a wide variety of real estate properties, Taylor is not confined to properties available in the Manhattan and Brooklyn areas alone. With his growing network, he is looking at the possibility of expanding his real estate services. 

Despite his young age, Bryce Taylor already knows what he wants to do nonstop in the next few years aside from helping people find the perfect real estate property for their needs: train new agents and show them the ropes in the industry. He is not only dedicated to the welfare of his clients but also driven to help other people succeed. 

With these attributes serving as his day-to-day guide in conducting his business, there is no doubt that Taylor will go a long way and achieve his dream of becoming one of the country’s most successful real estate agents with a large client database. 

Get in touch with Bryce Taylor by visiting this website



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