10 Credit Repair Companies Who Will Help Improve Your Credit Score

The credit repair industry has seen an improvement over the years because more and more people want to experience financial freedom today. Credit repair is a great way to make that happen. But not all credit repair companies are alike. Some will give you results, and some won’t. 

Because there aren’t many regulations around credit repair yet, getting the right provider can sometimes feel like a hit or miss. That’s why it helps to have a list of good companies you can work with to get the best results possible when improving your credit score. Here are ten credit repair companies that will give you a bang for your buck when getting better credit. 

Credit Saint

The New Jersey-based firm Credit Saint has been on a high roll, getting an A+ rating from the BBB and several high reviews from customers. The company’s packages range anywhere between $79 to $119 and “first work fees” of $99 to $195. Credit Saint’s programs are aggressive at the very least, and they offer a ninety-day money-back guarantee to all clients who don’t see any results. But given their track record, they haven’t given back any money yet.

Lexington Law

Lexington has been around for quite a while now— three decades to be exact. Their services are accessible for a starting rate of $90, which should be more than enough for most clients. Lexington Law is ready to do more for clients, such as providing cease and desist letters and financial tools for those who need more support. 

Sky Blue Repair

Sky Blue Repair likes to act like a credit coach, going through every little detail to help clients get in better financial shape. Their team of experts does a lot to provide well-balanced and highly customized services for a starting rate of $80 a month for most clients. It’s also best known for its speed of work, providing fast turnarounds in most if not all cases. 


CreditFirm.Net offers some of the most affordable services on this list, with their packages starting at $49.99 a month. Getting their monthly access will provide clients with a thorough audit of credit reports and limitless credit bureau challenges. Currently, the firm also holds an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Credit Spike

Credit Spike is a company founded by entrepreneurs, Credit Spike and Dillon Kivo. The firm specializes in correcting erroneous data on your credit history to improve credit scores, and is known for delivering significantly higher credit scores within thirty days. They are relentless in getting entries written off and providing an online portal where clients can see the progress of the credit fixing rates. 

Ovation by Lending Tree

Ovation Credit is another BBB-accredited business that holds an A+ rating. The company has created a reputation for its team’s ability to make personal connections with their clients with their friendly company culture. The credit repair firm offers a same-day service option. It usually takes an $89 setup fee plus $79 to $109 to work with them, but it works out well for their clients.

The Credit People

One of the unique parts of The Credit People’s services is that they offer a $19 package for seven days so that clients can test out the relationship without having to commit to a long-term contract. If clients stay for sixty days, they get a money-back guarantee if the company can’t give them results. Monthly payments start at $79 to work with The Credit People.

Pyramid Credit Repair

When you start working with Pyramid, you get a dedicated personal account manager who’s in reach via phone, text, or email on any given business day. The account manager also takes care of dispute letters to major credit bureaus and will provide regular updates as needed. The company also provides an online dashboard that they can use to get real-time updates on credit progress and access their free resources. Pyramid has two basic packages— $99 a month for individuals and $198 for couples with 50% off on the first month. 

The Credit Pros

Giving access to one-on-one consultations with a FICO professional, The Credit Pros helps clients develop action plans to clean up their credit histories and write off bad debt. The firm also provides other services that most companies in the credit repair industry don’t such as theft restoration and crafting of cease and desist letters to creditors. 

Pinnacle Credit Repair Management

Another BBB-accredited company, Pinnacle has some of the best reviews on the review site Trustpilot. It also boasts some of the fastest results, mainly because of how the company has leveraged artificial intelligence to help clients repair their credit. Pinnacle Credit also works with private lenders to get approved personal loans to consolidate debt. Their services start at $99 a month with a $199 setup fee.


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