Darin Kidd, a renowned speaker and entrepreneur, hails from Appomattox, VA, where he both grew up and currently resides. In the next five years, Darin envisions himself making a positive impact worldwide, helping individuals tap into their God-given potential to achieve more, do more, and have more. He strives to inspire and motivate people to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives.
Darin Kidd’s journey to his current career path is a story of resilience and determination. After facing bankruptcy, having his car repossessed, and relying on government assistance, he realized that he was destined for more significant achievements. He firmly believes that humans are created for success but often face societal limitations that overshadow their potential. With a history of venturing into various businesses since his teenage years, Darin Kidd ultimately shifted his focus towards consulting, training, and speaking.
When asked about the funniest mistake he made when he was just starting, Darin Kidd reflected and couldn’t come up with a specific incident. However, what sets him apart in his field is his remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts. He believes in making information more accessible and understandable, a skill he honed after experiencing the frustration of not finding simplified explanations during his own learning journey.
For Darin, the key to thriving and avoiding burnout in his industry is maintaining clarity. He emphasizes that clarity provides focus, and that focus, in turn, fuels one’s energy. To achieve success, he recommends staying crystal clear on why you do what you do.
Darin Kidd attributes a significant part of his success to the late billionaire Paul J. Meyer. Meyer’s wisdom left a profound impact on Darin, teaching him that self-imposed limitations are the most challenging barriers to overcome. It’s not external circumstances, but one’s internal perspective that truly matters.
Using his success as a platform for goodness, Darin Kidd often speaks at churches and events for youth. He has ambitious goals for charitable contributions and initiatives he wishes to undertake in the future, aiming to give back to the community.
Darin’s favorite life lesson quote, “You can’t live a positive life with a negative attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude,” resonates deeply with his personal experiences. He firmly believes that everything achieved in life begins with a positive mindset.
Reflecting on his entrepreneurial journey, Darin shares five things he wishes someone had told him before starting his company. He stresses the importance of intentional associations, trust but verify, thinking bigger, moving with urgency, and continuous personal growth. He underscores that personal development is a direct driver of business growth and that being coachable is essential for progress.
When asked about the movement he would start, Darin Kidd expressed his need for further contemplation. His goal is to make a substantial, positive impact on a broad scale, but the specific avenue for this movement remains a work in progress.
The most interesting and fulfilling aspect of his career, according to Darin, is the opportunity to connect with his mentors and heroes, eventually sharing the same stage. This, he acknowledges, is a remarkable blessing.
As for his next big move, Darin Kidd is looking to engage in collaborations with prominent entrepreneurs to create a global impact. He believes that collaboration is the new currency in today’s business world.
To build trust with his clients, Darin focuses on overdelivering and underpromising. He even offers a guarantee with his speaking engagements: if clients don’t receive exceptional feedback about his training or talks, he is willing to provide a refund.
Darin Kidd’s ultimate milestone is to speak to over one million people in a single month. He has a diverse set of keywords, including “Speaker,” “Entrepreneur,” “Motivational Speaker,” “Business Growth,” “Network Marketing,” “Business Consultant,” and “Motivational Speaker.”