Sing Your Song
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Sing Your Song: A Journey of Rediscovery and Healing in the African Narrative

The concept of quantum existence is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s world. As more and more individuals become aware of the power of energy and how it shapes their reality, the importance of taking control of their own lives and destinies has become evident. Instead of relying solely on tradition and teachings passed down from previous generations, individuals are beginning to understand the importance of actively shaping their own reality through the focus of their energy. This shift in perspective leads to a greater sense of personal responsibility and agency in shaping their destinies.

Suki Mwendwa’s debut book, “Sing Your Song,” delves into the African question and the experiences that come with it. Through a combination of fictional narrative and critical research, the book aims to stretch the idea of Africa and integrate it into the present moment.

Suki does not intend to blame colonialism for the current state of Africa but acknowledges that to rewrite the African narrative, the colonial order within which present nations have emerged cannot be ignored. It is a painful process but a necessary one in order to change. “As a creative solution finder and passionate to empower others, my intent is through storytelling that goes to the core, yet not out of blaming anyone or anything, to use it as a means to heal a trauma so deep from being ripped from what has been known, and become invisible in the new context. Combining my academic background and research with the stories of my grandmothers, plus my understanding of the new science – quantum physics, I have taken on a style of critical fabulation – storytelling with critical and creative thinking combined with a fictional narrative to play at filling in the blanks of an African narrative, stolen through colonialism, or more specific cognitive imperialism,” she shared.

Suki’s book also encourages readers to take responsibility for their own lives and destinies and to question whose story they are living. By singing one’s own song, it becomes a tool for decolonizing the mind, alchemizing experiences and creating a chorus of gold. “I see the self-determination and self-defining is not to have to explain our existence and why we are here, but to recognize who is it we have given away our power to decide our worth, and why is it still there. It’s a rediscovery, liberation/confidence call of the song to find it and take action to sing it,” she added. Through mixing narratives learned with personal experience, the author hopes to awaken alternative narratives and seek and explore techniques and orientations.

This book is not just for the people of Africa but for anyone who has been influenced by the African question or similar experiences. “So many of us now are becoming more aware of our quantum existence. We live in a world of energy, whereby to focus our energy is what we create in our lives; when we change the focus, so too the reality changes. Instead of relying on generational tradition and teaching as a guide, we are taking more responsibility for our lives and destiny as we make the most of the choices we have,” she insightfully shared.

Suki Mwendwa’s second book, “Dance Our Dance,” continues the journey started in “Sing Your Song.” In the second installation, the author expands on the themes of self-discovery and healing, showing readers how to take the lessons learned from singing their song and apply them to their lives in a more tangible way. Through this next step, the author guides readers on how to use the power of their own energy to create the reality they desire. 

Pouring in her expertise as a professor in Design, Movement and Dance, Suki Mwendwa has integrated her ideas and research into her books, “Sing Your Song” and “Dance Our Dance,” offering readers an empowering and transformative read and taking them on a journey of self-discovery and liberation.

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