Since obtaining an excellent college education nowadays is costly, one of the ways to save on ever-increasing tuition fee rates is to get a scholarship. For many, however, researching, weighing, and landing an actual scholarship can be quite an uphill journey, and no one understands this better than The Art of Scholarships (TAS), a thriving firm that provides exceptional college counseling services.
Founded by licensed Florida attorney India Prather, TAS specializes in helping students find and apply for scholarships. As someone who is all too familiar with the challenging experience of getting a scholarship, India believes that getting one has become an art. For students to get the right kind of scholarship, they should be great storytellers and should be able to jump off the page as they narrate their stories, strengths, achievements, and dreams in life. Through her guidance, students learn how to become real-life rock stars both in person and on paper. One of the important things TAS teaches its clients is how to create unique searches in order to generate a list of scholarships that match their demographics.
Out of all the accomplishments TAS has achieved this year, two are very notable. TAS was able to successfully help a law student negotiate with her law school to give her an additional $45,000 in merit scholarships for Fall 2021. Additionally, one of TAS’ high school clients was selected as a semi-finalist out of 180,000 applicants for the Coca-Cola Scholarship. These two major feats are worth celebrating, thanks to India’s dedication and a keen eye for details.
To help students, The Art of Scholarships has created the Scholarship Squad. Scholarship-hunting students sign up for the Scholarship Squad – a rich database of carefully researched scholarships – to save time on doing excruciating research. Given that India and her team review and validate each scholarship before including it into their database, students’ fears that a website or landing page could possibly be fake are eliminated. Apart from having access to the database, Scholarship Squad members also get a monthly newsletter that teaches them how to write exceptional scholarship essays. The Squad has a monthly subscription fee of $10.
Overall, India has 14 years of unmatched experience applying for scholarships in various universities. She received a merit-based scholarship to Wake Forest, which was valued over $200,000, and also won over $50,000 in outside private scholarships, including the Coca-Cola Scholarship. India also achieved a remarkable feat in law school when she received a partial merit scholarship while attending the University of Miami School of Law. She also won eight out of nine law school scholarships she applied for throughout her schooling experience.
If anything, India’s rich experience involving scholarship applications trained her how to strategically write and position herself to win both in college and law school. Armed with these experiences, India thought it best to share the skills she developed through courses at The Art of Scholarships. The Art of Scholarships’ courses also reveal how India leveraged her scholarships and financial aid packages to get scholarships put in her name instead of the university’s name.
With the right kind of guidance, incoming college students have a shot at winning the scholarships they need in order to get a quality education without hurting their budget. The Art of Scholarships can be an instrumental ally to making college dreams come true.
Learn more about The Art of Scholarships by visiting its website. Follow TAS’ Facebook and Instagram accounts for the latest updates.