Xunxing Liang’s Design Journey for Everyday Excellence
Photo Courtesy: Xunxing Liang

Xunxing Liang’s Design Journey for Everyday Excellence

By: Elena Mart

“Design is not only a combination of art and science, but also a collision between ideals and reality.” This statement is particularly apt when discussing Xunxing Liang’s designs. His Morton metered salt dispenser not only won the NY Product Design Awards and the A’ Design Award but also attracted widespread attention in the design community. This piece is recognized not only for its functionality and aesthetic value but also for its unprecedented innovative thinking in solving practical problems in everyday life.

In his design, Xunxing Liang demonstrated his design philosophy—transforming simple everyday needs into innovative solutions with depth and meaning. This philosophy is reflected in many of his designs, with Morton Metering Salt Shaker being a quintessential example.

Xunxing Liang’s design journey began at Hunan Normal University, where he studied visual communication design. This stage laid a solid foundation for his later design career. During his studies, he was exposed to a broad range of design theories and practices, experiences that fostered a profound understanding of design details and unique insights into aesthetics. Seeking further improvement, he decided to study at Pratt Institute, where he began to explore packaging, identity, and system design. These experiences not only broadened his horizons but also deepened his thinking about how design can interact with users’ daily lives. It was these rich academic and practical backgrounds that enabled him to transform complex design concepts into practical and beautiful products.

The design inspiration for the Morton Metering Salt Shaker came from a seemingly simple but widespread problem: the uneven distribution of salt in cooking. Although recipes provide recommended amounts of salt, standard salt dispensers do not offer convenient measuring tools, often resulting in too much or too little salt being used. When designing this Salt Shaker, Xunxing Liang introduced an original solution: a built-in adjustable scale system, allowing users to precisely control the amount of salt from 1 to 5 grams. This design is not only practical but also helps users adhere to healthy eating standards with its precise control. Additionally, the salt dispenser is designed for ease of use and sustainability, using recyclable materials and designed to be easy to hold and operate, making it simple for everyone from children to the elderly to use.

Xunxing Liang’s Design Journey for Everyday Excellence
Photo Courtesy: Xunxing Liang

During the design and development process of the Morton metered salt dispenser, Xunxing Liang faced several technical challenges. In the initial prototypes, the clamping mechanism located on the back of the bottle was prone to breaking, which severely affected the product’s durability and user experience. To address this issue, he conducted multiple material tests and design iterations. By increasing the wall thickness of the cap and using tougher materials, he ultimately enhanced the product’s structural strength. This design adjustment not only solved the durability issue but also maintained the salt dispenser’s lightness and attractiveness. Furthermore, this improvement process also reflected Xunxing Liang’s ultimate pursuit of detail and his uncompromising attitude when facing design challenges.

Xunxing Liang’s Design Journey for Everyday Excellence
Photo Courtesy: Xunxing Liang

Xunxing Liang’s design philosophy is deeply rooted in his understanding of the balance between functionality and aesthetics, and it also reflects his deep commitment to social and environmental responsibility. The design of the Morton metered salt dispenser not only solved a common problem in the kitchen but also caused widespread attention in the design community, as evidenced by his winning the NY Product Design Awards and the A’ Design Award. These awards recognize his innovative design and his efforts to promote a sense of social responsibility in the design community.

Through this design, Xunxing Liang demonstrated how designers can use innovative thinking to solve practical problems while advocating for healthy lifestyles and environmental concepts. The Morton Metering Salt Shaker, with its precise dosage control, helps users meet the World Health Organization’s healthy eating standards and its eco-friendly design concept also encourages users to reduce dependence on disposable plastics, thus making a substantial contribution to environmental protection. These designs not only elevated his personal status on the international design stage but also prompted the entire design industry to rethink product life cycles and user interaction methods.

Xunxing Liang’s Morton Metering Salt Shaker design not only earned him international recognition but also showcased the potential of design in solving everyday problems. By combining practicality, beauty, and eco-friendly principles, Xunxing Liang not only changed the design of kitchen utensils but also set a standard for how innovation can drive social and environmental sustainable development in the design community. Looking forward, his innovative spirit and pursuit of detail will continue to influence the design field, encouraging more designers to engage in the practice of social responsibility.


Published By: Aize Perez

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