Trisha Simmons Challenging Roles and Inspiring Others (3)
Photo Courtesy: Trisha Simmons

Trisha Simmons: Taking on Challenging Roles and Inspiring Others

By: Maria Williams

Actress Trisha Simmons is known for her fearless approach to taking on challenging roles in her career. From scaling buildings to fire dancing to learning new sports, Trisha explores the limitless to bring her characters to life. In a recent interview, she shared her experiences and insights into acting.

When asked about challenging roles, Trisha expressed her passion for using all her life skills while embracing the unknown. She believes that acting, like life, is a never-ending journey of learning & sharing. Trisha’s dedication to creating meaningful stories that move viewers emotionally is what drives her.

Another aspect of Trisha’s acting process is preparing herself physically and emotionally to portray complex characters. She believes in showing up, saying yes, and letting go of fear. Trisha trusts in her training, life experience, and the creative energy that flows through all of us to bring a character to life.

Supporting independent filmmakers is important to Trisha. She has created memorable characters that have allowed her to stretch as an actress. Following a woman’s journey over fifteen years as she plans her own funeral was a cathartic role that hit close to home for her. Trisha shared, “This character had long monologues without cuts and is on screen for the entire film. In a larger budgeted film, this role would have gone to a star name, so I was incredibly blessed to play her”. She played a hardened jailhouse doctor in the SAG independent film that followed, embodying the opposite emotional energy. After the final take, Trisha was surprised to find herself in tears. This experience gave her a deep insight into the complexities of her own inner world and left her eager to explore similar depths in future roles. 

Trisha Simmons Challenging Roles and Inspiring Others (2)
Photo Courtesy: Trisha Simmons / IMDb

Working with female filmmakers holds a special place in Trisha’s heart. She appreciates the challenges they have overcome and the unique perspectives they bring to storytelling. Trisha wants to bring to life stories that haven’t been told before, celebrating the strength and resilience of women. Her first film, “Lady Beware,” directed by Karen Arthur, showed her at a young age that anything was possible for a woman in this industry.

Trisha’s extensive training at esteemed institutions like LAMDA and under the guidance of her mentor, Stella Adler, have contributed significantly to her journey as an actor.

In addition to her acting career, Trisha is passionate about writing and inspirational speaking. She believes in following her inner wisdom to live a balanced life. Trisha has authored books on acting and children’s books during the pandemic, aiming to share her life lessons to create a living legacy. She is currently seeking a publisher for her books.  

Trisha’s dedication to nurturing young talent is evident through her initiatives like The L.A. Film Actors Lab and LAKidsAct. She has mentored many aspiring actors who have succeeded in the entertainment industry and has even had the opportunity to work alongside one of her alumni in a movie.

Establishing The Simmons Scholarship Fund at Point Park University was another way for Trisha to give back to the artistic community. She takes part in the decision-making process, allowing her to support young talents pursuing their creative passions. Trisha considers it a joy and a full circle blessing to be able to provide opportunities to deserving individuals, just as she was given when she needed them for her studies.

Trisha Simmons Challenging Roles and Inspiring Others
Photo Courtesy: Trisha Simmons / IMDb

Trisha’s love for dogs is also significant in her life and work. She fondly recalls her fur babies, Dash and Daisy, joining her on camera. Full of energy, Dash would often dash into unexpected places, bringing laughter and surprise to those around him. Daisy, on the other hand, quietly provides comfort during emotional scenes. Trisha cherishes the moments when her fur babies become part of her on-screen experiences. 

Throughout her journey in the entertainment industry, Trisha has encountered both challenges and successes. She believes that a deeper, more rewarding life/art experience has emerged through the obstacles. Trisha hopes that her life’s work has inspired others to follow their own unique path to a well-lived life. 



Published by: Khy Talara

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