Tech Education Founder, Abid Abedi, Demands Relevance And Action From US Education System
Photo Courtesy: iCode

Tech Education Founder, Abid Abedi, Demands Relevance And Action From US Education System

By: Joshua Finley

It’s no secret that the traditional education system often falls short of the demands of a rapidly evolving world. The continued disconnect in today’s education raises the need for parents to step up and drive change has never been more urgent. “We can’t afford to sacrifice our kids’ futures at the altar of bureaucracy, politics, and ego,” asserts Abid Abedi, a fervent advocate for transformative education through his coding programs. As the founder of iCode, a STEM education program designed to teach students relevant skills for the future, Abedi’s observations reveal a stark disconnect between the potential he sees in young learners and the stagnation within current educational methodologies. “I see incredibly bright kids in my programs, absolutely bored by the traditional system,” he notes, highlighting the crux of the issue.

Demand Skills for Tomorrow

Central to Abedi’s message is the imperative for parents to vocally demand an education system that prepares children for the future. “It’s not about the books we ban but about equipping our kids with the skills they need to succeed in society,” Abedi argues. He points to the success of students from communities where parental involvement is a given, not an exception. “Why are students in the Indian and Asian communities excelling? Because their parents are deeply invested in their education,” Abedi observes. This commitment, he notes, drives demand for curricula that are relevant and forward-thinking, proving that parental pressure can indeed reshape educational priorities.

Engage Directly in Educational Leadership

Abedi also champions the importance of parents and younger generations stepping into roles of educational governance. “If you want to see real change, get involved with your local school board,” he suggests. Abedi believes that taking a stand in educational governance is a powerful step toward ensuring that schools serve the needs and aspirations of their students. “Engagement at the local level can have a ripple effect, influencing broader educational policies,” he adds, urging parents to consider how they might contribute to systemic change.

Reject Complacency

On the topic of parental involvement, Abedi is unequivocal: “Ignorance isn’t bliss. It’s a disservice to our children.” He warns against the passive acceptance of outdated educational models and stresses the importance of parents being proactive in understanding and shaping their children’s learning experiences. “Who cares about the status quo when it’s failing our kids?” Abedi challenges. By sharing his personal commitment to his daughters’ diverse career paths, he underscores the value of supporting children’s interests and potential. “I made it my priority to be involved, driving them from one activity to another, never missing a performance or game,” Abedi shares, highlighting his hands-on approach.

Tech Education Founder, Abid Abedi, Demands Relevance And Action From US Education System
Photo Courtesy: Abid Abedi

The Path Forward

Abid Abedi’s insights serve as a rallying cry for parents to embrace their pivotal role in educational reform. “The best investment we can make is in our kids’ futures,” he asserts, emphasizing that active parental involvement is key to preparing children for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Whether through demanding curriculum changes, participating in school governance, or simply being more engaged in their children’s education, Abedi’s message is clear: the path to a brighter future begins with us, the parents. Let’s not wait for the system to change on its own. Instead, let’s be the architects of an education system that truly meets the needs of the next generation.

For more information about Abid Abedi and his work through iCode, you can visit his website here.

About Abid Abedi

Abid Abedi, a serial entrepreneur with a 25-year legacy, has founded over 15 startups across technology, wireless, IT consulting, staffing, food, real estate, and education, generating $2.4 billion in revenue globally. As the visionary founder and CEO of iCode and iCode Technologies, Abedi champions STEAM education, aiming to transform children into innovators and creators. iCode has become a beacon for hands-on, experiential learning through its after-school programs and camps, while iCode Technologies introduces products that blend coding, drones, robotics, and AI, making learning both fun and impactful. Abedi’s efforts have earned him multiple accolades, highlighting his significant contributions to educational innovation and entrepreneurship.

Published by: Martin De Juan


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