Princeton Senior Steven Li Launches Children's Diabetes Fund
Photo Courtesy: Steven Li

Princeton Senior Steven Li Launches Children’s Diabetes Fund

By: Elena Mart

Princeton Senior Steven Li Launches Children’s Diabetes Fund to Help Children

High school senior Steven Li is on a mission to bring life-saving insulin and diabetes education to children in need. As the founder of the Children’s Diabetes Fund (CDF), Steven, a student at Princeton Day School, has transformed his passion for helping others into a global initiative aimed at providing critical diabetes care and education to children, especially those in developing countries. His journey began when he recognized the profound impact diabetes has on underserved communities and took action to make a difference.

A Mission Rooted in Compassion and Action

The Children’s Diabetes Fund’s mission is clear: to reduce the burden of diabetes through education, advocacy, and equitable access to healthcare. Since its inception, CDF has provided insulin to 25 children in developing countries, ensuring they have the resources needed to manage their condition. Beyond providing medical supplies, Steven and his team are focused on raising awareness about diabetes prevention and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits that can reduce the risk of the disease.

“We want to empower children and families with the knowledge and tools to prevent diabetes while also making sure that those already affected have access to the care they need,” says Steven. “It’s about building healthier futures for everyone.”

Princeton Senior Steven Li Launches Children's Diabetes Fund
Photo Courtesy: Steven Li

Community Engagement and Global Reach

CDF’s efforts extend across the globe, with ten student-led chapters located in cities such as New York, Washington, Shanghai, and Beijing. These chapters are central to CDF’s community-driven approach, organizing local events, workshops, and fundraisers to raise awareness and support insulin access for children. Since its founding, the organization has hosted 25 diabetes awareness events and workshops, reaching thousands of people worldwide.

Through these efforts, CDF has raised more than $18,000 in donations, which has gone directly toward providing insulin and medical care to children in need. These funds have been a lifeline for children in developing countries who struggle to afford essential treatments.

Princeton Senior Steven Li Launches Children's Diabetes Fund
Photo Courtesy: Steven Li

Raising Awareness: The Key to Prevention

At the core of CDF’s work is its focus on education. The organization believes that awareness is the first step in preventing diabetes. Steven’s team has led over ten diabetes prevention workshops, educating children and their families on the importance of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The organization emphasizes that diabetes, while often associated with genetic factors, can be significantly influenced by lifestyle choices.

“Our goal is to not only treat diabetes but also prevent it by teaching children how to adopt healthier habits,” Steven explains. “By fostering a culture of health and wellness, we hope to reduce the prevalence of diabetes for future generations.”

A Global Movement Driven by Students

Steven’s leadership has inspired a diverse group of student volunteers who are passionate about fighting diabetes. Each chapter operates autonomously, organizing local campaigns and events to educate communities about diabetes prevention. From Miami to Wuhan, these student-led efforts have helped spread CDF’s message far and wide.

“Our team is dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of children, and we’re proud of the work we’ve done so far,” Steven says. “But this is just the beginning.”

Princeton Senior Steven Li Launches Children's Diabetes Fund
Photo Courtesy: Steven Li

Looking Ahead: Continuing the Fight Against Diabetes

The Children’s Diabetes Fund’s impact is undeniable, but Steven Li knows that there is still much work to be done. As the organization grows, it remains committed to expanding its reach and deepening its impact. With plans to launch more chapters and host additional community events, CDF is poised to continue its mission of providing vital care and education to children affected by diabetes.

“We believe that no child should have to suffer because of a lack of access to insulin or knowledge about diabetes prevention,” says Steven. “With continued support, we can ensure that every child has the chance to live a healthier, brighter future.”

Join the Fight Against Diabetes

To learn more about the Children’s Diabetes Fund or to get involved, visit their website at Together, we can help transform the lives of children battling diabetes and build healthier futures worldwide.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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