How Crafting Can Help You Destress and Improve Mental Health

How Crafting Can Help You Destress and Improve Mental Health

By: John Glover (MBA)

Life is busy, and it can be hard to find time to slow down. The current culture we live in tells us to work fast, work a lot, and get things done. That’s okay, but what happens when we feel burnout and need an avenue to relax and focus on ourselves? We get stressed out and spiral down a rabbit hole that only causes more harm than good. 

Everyday life is like a thunderstorm on open seas that we are just trying to navigate. It’s normal, but it’s also okay to look forward to the calm after the storm. Finding time to destress is necessary to keep moving forward, and everyone should prioritize their mental health. 

What are your hobbies?

One of the ideal ways to relax after a busy day or week is to take up a hobby. Studies show that having a lot of free time can have negative effects on your mental health. People feel unproductive and have a lower sense of well-being because they are not really following any plans or routine. This can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. A balance is needed, and finding a hobby is the ideal way to make you productive and relaxed, while taking up time in your day. 

The ideal thing about a hobby is that it can be personalized to your interests. Are you crafty, sporty, or good in the kitchen? No matter what your skill level is, there is a hobby that will fit right into your daily schedule. 

Crafting keeps you inspired

Crafting is a great way to break out of your comfort zone and try something new. From crocheting, knitting, quilting, painting, your options are endless. It might be a period of trial and error, but there are so many things you can try and get skilled at. You just have to put in a little effort for a big reward. 

“Feeling lost in your work can be frustrating. You might feel like you have nowhere to go, but that’s not true. Inspiration is all around if you take the time to look for it. Try getting outside into a new environment, talk to new people, or try a new activity. Uprooting yourself from the same old, same old can spark new ideas in your head,” says Corey Pearson, Chief Quilt Artist and Brand Ambassador at Linda’s.

Inspiration helps keep people motivated and persistent with their goals. Being inspired for a craft helps you stay consistent with taking time for yourself. You can see the world around you in a new light, bringing you a little extra peace in your day. 

Practice Mindfulness

Once you find your niche, crafting will become a safe space for you to take necessary time for yourself. It can also be a time for you to practice mindfulness and really stay in tune with your body and mind. Practicing mindfulness and centering your thoughts can help reduce stress and anxiety, and give you the space to grow. We all deserve the time to flourish as humans and work up to our full potential. Crafting or any hobby really, gives you the necessary time to reflect and breathe. Hitting the restart button is important to who we are as humans, and taking a little time in your day or week to do so should become routine. 

Crafting is like a break in the rain during a storm. It helps you recenter your mind and gives you the space to be you. No more hustling through a to-do list, running errands or doing chores, you have the power to do whatever you want. In the hustle and bustle of today, many people forget that they have to take care of themselves. Crafting or whatever hobby you choose, keeps you happy and healthy, giving you the chance to achieve new skills and goals. Don’t put your mental health on the backburner. 

Published by: Holy Minoza

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