Neda Hovaizi: A Beacon of Persian Resilience Embracing the Fountain of You
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Neda Hovaizi: A Beacon of Persian Resilience Embracing the Fountain of You

In a world filled with dynamic and inspiring personalities, certain individuals stand out for their unique blend of passion, resilience, and courage to break the mold.
Dr. Neda Hovaizi, a successful dentist and aesthetics expert, passionate entrepreneur, devoted mother and wife, fashionista, and proud Persian woman, is one.
Her extraordinary journey encapsulates a narrative that crosses professional boundaries, cultural borders, and personal evolution; her varied roles and experiences, contributing to her unique personal and professional identity.
Through Neda’s efforts to empower the Persian woman by debunking prevalent cultural misconceptions, and her advocacy for self-investment beyond achievement, we witness a vulnerable and powerful story of rebirth and personal evolution.

Neda was born in Massachusetts to her Iranian parents, both of whom immigrated to the United States as young adults, starting their lives here from zero. Neda was raised as a teenager in Charlottesville, Virginia and went on to graduate from the historic University of Virginia (UVA), and later, from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia. Neda found her calling in the field of cosmetic dentistry, where precision, patience, and compassion were prerequisites for success. As Dr. Neda Hovaizi, she returned to Massachusetts to open her dental practice, Lumiere Dental Spa, all before the age of 30. Her commitment to her patients’ experience and results set her apart, and made her a beacon of excellence, trust and reliability in the greater Boston community.

Shortly after opening her dental practice, Neda stepped into another crucial and life-altering role – Mom. Becoming a mother to two beautiful children, she found herself navigating the delicate and demanding task of balancing her career and personal life. It was a profound transformation, reshaping her identity and enriching her with the experiences that would redirect her future.

Motherhood instilled in her a greater sense of empathy and love, broadening her perspective on life and enriching her understanding of the human condition and the responsibilities bestowed on high achieving women. This expanding view also led her to reflect on her roots and cultural heritage. Being of Persian descent, Neda felt a deep connection with her culture, but she also recognized the need for its true representation in mainstream society. A multifaceted woman of strength and determination, she became a testament to the potential within every Persian, every high-achiever, every woman, and every human at that. 

If balancing a dental practice and motherhood wasn’t enough, Dr. Neda Hovaizi continued to live out her entrepreneurial pursuits, founding Lumi Aesthetics MedSpa in 2014. 

It was after this new venture, that she began toying with the concept of what inner and outer beauty truly is – for herself and for each individual. She began harnessing the lessons from these different facets of her life, transforming them into a source of inspiration for others. 

“True beauty is the illumination of your soul™,” Neda states. “We must first turn inward to create  peace. It is through personal peace that we find illumination, and the power to ignite the fire of love in the hearts of those we are blessed to encounter. Put simply, that is true beauty… and what life is really all about.” 

This courage to look inward, and discover peace, self worth, and true beauty, despite the need to “do or be more,” has formed the cornerstone of her philosophy, “Embrace the Fountain of You™.”

Losing herself while becoming so much for so many is what she would say it took to catalyze the birth of a Phoenix.

“I did it all right,” she shares. “Some would say I had it all. But, I still wasn’t happy. It wasn’t until I took myself to a place of zero, that I was able to build myself, find my peace, and start defining what happiness truly is.”

No matter what she did, Neda continued, it wasn’t enough.

“Achievement was my addiction. And, while I am proud of all I have accomplished, I now refuse to be caged by my titles: to be, or not be a certain way to fit into an accepted mold. And, I want everyone to know that they don’t have to define themselves by any external qualifier either… that they already are enough, they already are beautiful – and that by default, the entire universe of beauty, worthiness, happiness, LOVE… lives within each and every one of us, just waiting to be illuminated.” 

Dr. Neda Hovaizi’s vibrant life’s tapestry, woven from her diverse experiences as a successful dentist, aesthetics expert, entrepreneur, wife, mother, and an ambassador of her rich Persian culture, have set the stage for her next mission: to walk alongside high achieving women on their journey to finding true happiness and fulfillment. 

To learn more about Neda Hovaizi, and how to Embrace the Fountain of You, visit


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