An Interview With Life Coach Sonia Workman: Answers to All Your “Whys” of Life

If you are like me, you are perhaps mindlessly scrolling through your phones and bombarding yourself with endless questions in your head. It could be anything like, “Why did I feel under-confident today?” or “Why aren’t things around me working out?” The human race often comes with too many aspirations and expectations. The feeling of coveting happiness is all about embracing courage and making bold decisions in life, at least that is what the thriving Empowerment Mindset Life Coach Sonia Workman believes in! 

I recently had a chance to chat with her and, while sipping coffee, some incredible insights got me acquainted with the life that I was looking for! She is another powerful life coach who inspires her learners from her past experiences. Sonia’s passionate approaches often address the issues related to physical and mental distress. Having her share of challenges, Workman is fueled by positive energy and courageous decisions. She believes her stories can inspire countless out there who have been in dire straits. She is an Empowerment Mindset Coach that helps others change their limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs.

1) It looks like your approaches are woven to empower people by addressing bold issues. Take us through the details of your coaching.:

I practice a nine-step methodology that I learned in the Jay Shetty Certification School Program. This system is called the ABC Framework for Life Coaching and starts with awareness and this methodology is proven and tested to work. This framework enables me to meet my client where they are and helps me guide them to where they want to be. We look at the Client as a person and this will involve self-knowledge and emotional intelligence. Our lives are composed of many different areas such as your career, money/finance, your relationship, your health, and spirituality etc. They all are connected. So, one might be aware they are wanting to improve their career but not aware of how it is affecting their health. As their Life Coach, we look at all aspects & then prioritize which is the most important they want to improve. We work together until they achieve the goal they desire. This framework becomes our constant companion on our journey. Sometimes the client may have more than one area to work on as their Life Coach. It is important for me to guide my client to stay singularly focused on one area and then move on to the next. This can be anywhere from 8 weeks to a year. It all depends on what their BIG Goal is.  I help facilitate change in my client. It is a collaborative, solution focused-results oriented relationship. If my client gets stuck, I am right there alongside them to “prop up their wings.” They will know they have my full support. 


2) Who was Sonia Workman and what urged you to become ‘Life Coach, Sonia Workman?’ 

I have always known that I have the ability to make a huge impact on others. I just didn’t know in what capacity that was going to happen. When I changed the course of my parental blueprint and changed the perspective in which I viewed my past I knew HOW I could help others. I knew that my Dharma in life is to help empower others and free them of any emotional/limiting belief shackles that might be weighing them down. By changing my perspective, I was able to become free of my shackles. I am not saying that we do not acknowledge what we experienced as a child, but can I tell you that you can change the way you look at it. 

I am the Hero of my story. As a child, I experienced physical, mental and sexual abuse. I even had an arranged marriage to someone emotionally abusive at the age of twenty. I chose not to be a victim to my past. Instead, all of what I endured in my life, especially childhood, made me stronger. I graduated Sigma Phi Alpha honor bestowed to the top 10% of the class and from NYU Dental Hygiene Program in 2000 & have loved working in the Dental Field. My scope is limited in dentistry as I can only work in the mouth. I know I can make a bigger impact in this world by working with others achieving their highest best. I also quit drinking alcohol on May 31, 2020. I did this by changing my mindset re: Alcohol and did not do a 12 Step Program. I completely changed my relationship with Alcohol by changing my limiting beliefs and my false truths I had told myself. 

3) What do you think is the biggest mistake that people make when they go through tough times? And is coaching always an answer?

By default, we are born with a parental blueprint. A parental blueprint is the first ever framework of thoughts, behaviors, feelings and emotion we experience with anything and everything we have encountered as a child especially under the age of five. That blueprint is based on what we experience at the hands of our caregivers, parents, family & friends. When people experience tough times, they get stuck in old belief systems. Systems that they never really chose but were thrust upon them as a child. If you add any type of abuse like emotional, physical or sexual that further engraves their limiting beliefs. I am here to tell you that you can CHANGE that & you can create any version of your blueprint you want. It is entirely up to you & my role is to help you facilitate that change & growth in my client. So yes, as a Life Coach I can absolutely help my client because it is through my deep questioning technique & implementing tools in their life for that change to start happening. Awareness is the first step to achieving their goal. It is about building small habits/big priorities that take them in the direction of their big goal. By the time we are done, they will be at the 9th step which is Competence Mastery. We will have implemented tools in their life to keep the momentum going, they will be set up for success & will have changed those limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs. 

4) Well, I think this could be answered best by your clients, but now that I have the opportunity to know it from you, what is the one thing that your clients like the most about you?

My unique story brings valuable experience and perspective to the table. My own story makes me very empathetic to my clients. I can put myself in their shoes and understand where they are coming from especially when it comes to experiencing any abuse, weight issues, and if they are questioning their relationship with alcohol. I know firsthand what it feels like to have limiting beliefs and know what it feels like to be stuck. Many notice my uplifting but not over the top energetic personality, I am very easy to talk to and have the ability to put you at ease if you feel nervous or stressed. I am a good active listener; I will ask questions that will make them dig deeper. And above all, my client will know how much I care about them and their success. 

5) How do you plan on shaking things up next? 

My world growing up was broken and full of abuse. I really do not know what would have happened had I not had my four siblings next to me. I not only know what it is like, but I know HOW to overcome it and live a life full of abundance. I have taken my dreams that I thought were unachievable and made them a reality.  I will shake things up by infusing my real-life story from surviving to THRIVING because if I can do it, anyone can do it. I want my impact to leave a dent on humanity. If I am able to help 1 -10% of the people change their situation in life, be happier, be more balanced, be more harmonious with other people around them then I will feel a deep sense of gratitude in my career as a Life Coach. As an Empowerment Mindset Coach, I want my client to know they have the power to change their life. We all experience fear at some level, I want my client to change their perspective on fear to Face Everything and Rise. If they are ready for change, they just have to reach out & grab my hand. I am right here waiting for them.


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