Editorial Process & Selection Criteria

Mission statement
New York Weekly is committed to publishing accurate, relevant, and high-quality content that informs and engages readers. Our editorial focus includes stories related to New York, spanning business, politics, entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and more.

How We Source Content
New York Weekly accepts content from a variety of sources, including publishing partners, independent contributors, and industry experts. We welcome article pitches and submissions that align with our editorial standards and areas of interest. If you would like to submit a story or contribute to NY Weekly, please review our guidelines below.

Four Stages of our Editorial Process

1. Initial Submission Guidelines

  • We receive article submissions from publishing partners, independent contributors, and professionals with insights relevant to our readers.
  • Writers interested in submitting content can do so by following our submission guidelines.
  • Each article must meet formatting requirements, including font, length, and style.
  • If any issues arise during the submission process, we work closely with contributors to ensure compliance before moving forward.

2. Editorial Review

New York Weekly follows a two-tier review process:

  • Compliance: We ensure all content aligns with our ethical standards. We do not publish hate speech, pornographic material, content promoting illicit substances, or defamatory pieces targeting businesses, individuals, or cultures.
  • Relevance: Submissions must be timely, informative, and of interest to our readership.

3. Preliminary Approval

If an article meets our editorial standards, it receives preliminary approval. At this stage, revisions may be requested to improve clarity, formatting, or alignment with our editorial style.

4. Final Approval and Publication

Once an article is granted final approval, it is scheduled for publication. Most approved content is published within one to two weeks unless it is held for a specific issue or seasonal feature.

How to Submit an Article or Story Pitch

We encourage thought leaders, industry experts, and independent writers to submit articles or pitch story ideas. If you have a compelling story, please send your submission to info@nyweekly.com. Our team reviews all submissions and responds within two weeks.

Marketing & Advertising Inquiries

For businesses and brands interested in advertising, sponsored content, or partnership opportunities, please contact info@nyweekly.com. We offer a variety of promotional opportunities, including display ads, sponsored articles, and newsletter features.

Last Updated: February  20, 2025

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