When Shane White and Nick Friesen realized they could revolutionize online dating photography, they didn’t imagine the full impact their idea would eventually have.
After Nick learned about the concept of facial expression coaching, he and Shane realized they could use this asset to make every person look natural and confident in a photo while bringing out their best features.
What if you knew how to effectively convey your feelings and personality through your photos instead of feeling awkward whenever a camera presents itself?
This knowledge has been a game-changer, and very few photographers utilize the ability to coach their subjects into intriguing facial expressions. Looking far ahead of everyone else, Shane and Nick saw an opportunity to make a difference in a territory in which facial expression coaching had never been used. This led them to create The Match Artist.
Five years later, Shane White and Nick Friesen have helped over 500 guys get exponentially more matches on their profiles, go on more dates, and improve their perception of themselves in front of the camera.
Several people who were photographed by The Match Artist have even gotten married or engaged, including Nick and Shane themselves.
Nick recalls, “At the beginning of all this, Shane and I just photographed each other, and we used those photos to create online dating profiles and find our partners. We figured if it was helpful for us, it would be for others too. Now we’re both engaged and getting married this fall, and there have also been a couple of others who did the same.”
The Match Artist goes above and beyond any online dating photography company. They redefine white-glove photography with their unique process.
Shane, Nick, and their team start the process with a thorough interview to help you get as comfortable as possible, understand your personality and lifestyle, and coach you on conveying those traits in the best possible way. Their photographers meet you in your city and typically spend 4-5 hours shooting in various locations around town. They aim to get through 10-15 shirt changes and a number of locations that could include coffee shops, bars, and maybe even the local rock climbing gym. The main importance is capturing you in your element.
Another unique aspect of The Match Artist is their photography and editing style. They deliver top-quality photos that look natural and eye-catching.
“We separate ourselves from the standard LinkedIn-like headshots and make them a bit more moody and interesting. Our style of editing, plus our facial expression coaching, allows us to make one session look like the photos were shot over a longer period of time,” explains Nick.
They also avoid cliché studio-like photos. “We go to guys’ homes and to the places where they spend the most time and capture them doing the things they love.”
“If they want advice about how to use the photos on the dating apps, we can help with that. However, the photography on its own does most of the heavy lifting,” Nick shares.
What Can You Achieve with The Match Artist?
The Match Artist’s clients tend to be people who are established in life. “They have the job, the house, the car, but they’re not getting the matches they deserve online. Our clients are high-value individuals—they just need a boost to portray their thriving lifestyle,” explains Nick.
“We really value digging deep into each client’s personality because it improves the result of the photos. You’ll take your best photos when you’re comfortable with the photographer. When a photographer doesn’t take the time to really get to know you, your photos will look like everyone else’s, which isn’t what we want. Our clients stand out above the rest. We want our clients to get to a place of confidence and we teach them how to reflect this when looking into the lens.”
Nick and Shane have helped many guys find the confidence to get out there and bring their A-game to their dates.
“We end up having deep conversations during the sessions to the point where I’ve become friends with many of them. We help them get comfortable with their image on camera, leading to dating lives with more self-esteem than before.”
Single life can be challenging these days. Familial and societal expectations push us to focus on our professional paths, which often leaves us lacking in other areas that are also very important.
Nick and Shane are happy and proud to help their clients bring balance to their lives and find people with whom to share their success.
Nick sums up The Match Artist’s offer by saying, “We are much more than just photos. We offer increased confidence in your image, a photographer to help you reach your goals, and the assets you need to log into any dating app and get more dates than you have time for.”If you’re interested in going on more and better dates from online dating, you can visit The Match Artist’s website for a free strategy session with one of their photographers.