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Techolution CEO & Founder Luv Tulsidas Named Keynote Speaker at Global CIO Institute: Columbia University

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Tulsidas to discuss strategies, secrets on shifting from lab-grade to real world AI

Techolution CEO & Founder Luv Tuslidas has been tapped to deliver a keynote speech at the upcoming Global CIO Institute: Columbia University on May 18th. This keynote—the first of the day-long event—is titled “Building the enterprise of tomorrow with Real-World AI,” and will feature expert insights on practical AI adoption from an experienced leader in the field.

Through his keynote, Tuslidas will explain the top five strategies business leaders can use to incorporate ROI-generating, real world AI into their enterprises. Tulsidas will also explain the secrets he and his team utilize to help their clients make the leap from lab grade to real world AI in a matter of weeks, rather than months or years.

The AI Moment

2022 was a banner year for AI innovation, with adoption more than doubling since 2017. This massive growth in the use of AI has led to significant changes to the way many businesses operate. Yet the rapid pace of change has created uncertainty and confusion for users and business leaders alike.

Tulsidas aims to shed light on the state of real world AI adoption through his keynote speech. As CEO at Techolution, Tulsidas and his team – including CTO Tim Delesio and Account Executive Elliott Krohnke – help clients get ROI from AI implementations day in and day out. Their record of success made Techolution an ideal partner for Global CIO Institute: Columbia University.

“While there’s more awareness of AI in the wider business community, understanding just how to leverage real world AI remains a challenge,” says Tulsidas. “The other speakers at Global CIO Institute and I are committed to delivering practical solutions to the modern challenges business leaders face. I’m looking forward to discussing what I’ve learned as CEO at Techolution and sharing the same practical advice we’ve given our successful clients on leveraging the real power of AI.”

About Global CIO Institute

The Global CIO Institute: Columbia University brings together tech leaders from across industry verticals to deliver insights, ideas, and education on the most important realities facing businesses today. The panels, boardrooms, and keynotes delivered throughout this full-day event focus on actionable insights from some of the most important names in business tech.

The event will be chaired by Anna Ransley, Former CIO at Godiva Chocolatier, and features eleven executive-level speakers from a broad array of tech companies. These speakers include Danielle Gomes, CIO at Johnson and Johnson; Jo Ann Davaris, Chief Privacy Officer, Global Privacy at Booking Holdings; and Jonathan Siddharth, CEO & Co-Founder at Turing, in addition to Techolution CEO & Founder Luv Tuslidas.

With featured attendees including Pearson, Honeywell, Nissan, and Pfizer, the event is guaranteed to be a highly-relevant and detail-oriented look at the state of tech innovation in 2023. As a promising voice in practical innovation for product engineering, enterprise cloud, and real world AI, the Techolution team will be right at home among this panel of experts in business tech.

A New Era for Techolution & AI

This keynote speech announcement follows some noteworthy public successes for the company since last year. In 2022 Techolution earned Inc. Magazine’s “Best in Business” award for the entire IT Services industry sector, and was also named “Top Cloud Migration Provider of the Year 2022” by CIO Review. These industry awards were influenced by Techolution’s record  of success for its clients, helping solve pressing issues ranging from food waste to water shortages to COVID-era telehealth implementations at Brooklyn Hospital. Read more about their success stories here.

“One thing we’re very proud of as a company is our focus on delivering results within a company’s budget,” explains Tuslidas. “Too often we see digital transformations fail because excessive spending doesn’t deliver results. We’re very focused on ROI for our clients—if AI adoption doesn’t deliver more revenue, then it’s not ultimately useful.

“Because of our fixed price model, we’ve taken a practical approach to innovation. Clients rest easier knowing results are guaranteed. Meanwhile, our team of experts have first-hand experience delivering these incredible proven results. I simply can’t wait to share what we’ve learned with the audience and other panelists at Global CIO Institute.”

Interested parties can sign up to become attendees and learn more about the event at CIO Institute’s website. More information about Techolution and their mission to empower business innovation through cutting-edge technology is available at the company website.

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