
Gibson Skill Development and Training Center: Training for Court Reporters and Scopists

By: Maria Williams

Gibson Skill Development and Training Center is a culmination of Teri Gibson’s extensive experience within the court reporting field. She has a passion for teaching and providing courses to address the rising demand for scopists and court reporters within the modern US context. 

Gibson Skill Development and Training Center- Training for Court Reporters and Scopist
Photo Caption: Teri Gibson / Founder of Gibson Skill Development and Training Center

During her sophomore year at Chicago Vocational High School, Teri Gibson was exposed to court reporting in the “Careers” course and transferred into the stenography course. She began learning shorthand and was initially intrigued by the ability to pursue a rewarding career while working from home. This would allow her to dedicate time to her family while contributing financially to the household in the future. After graduating from high school, Teri went to the Chicago College of Commerce, pursuing the area of court reporting. In 1981, she passed the Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) examination on the first attempt and began working as a freelance court reporter.  

She adds: “I became very passionate about court reporting and refined my court reporting skills throughout the years. Through time, computer-aided technology made it possible for court reporters to provide daily copies and expedited transcripts. The Deaf community benefited from communication access to real-time translation (CART). Through my work, I provide verbatim transcripts for legal proceedings and worked as a CART provider for the Deaf and hard of hearing community.”

Since 2016, Teri has focused on providing Eclipse software training for court reporters and scopists who want to improve their editing skills. Gibson Skill Development and Training Center offers comprehensive courses in Eclipse software and courses in the court reporting field. Teri utilizes 43 years of experience in training that she has received to create specialized training for individuals and groups. Currently, she is in the process of developing an active listening program to help reporters and scopists improve their skills. 

As computer programmers enhance AI technology, court reporters will always be needed to produce the verbatim record. Despite the rise of AI and tech-assisted programs, transcription accuracy cannot be left to AI technology alone. Teri outlines: “In my line of work, we don’t work against technology but continue to develop with it. It is a constantly evolving industry and the global pandemic offers a great example of this, where court reporters throughout the USA had to learn new ways to mark exhibits electronically.” She continues: “In fact, AI often makes more mistakes than I would, slowing the process down.”

For those considering a court reporting or scoping career, Teri offers some personal insight: “It’s an incredibly dynamic learning experience every time—each case is different and includes a diverse range of people, with various dialects and many industries, with experts that are often brought in from around the world.” 

The Gibson Skill Development and Training Center propels court reporters and scopists in their career journeys and utilizes the official manual of the Eclipse software. Teri has also developed a program to teach scopists the art of reading stenography notes. Today, she is working to create a new program to supplement her existing educational resources and encourages anyone who is interested in working in the legal field to consider becoming a court reporter or scopist. 

Media Contact

Name: Teri C. Gibson


Published by: Nelly Chavez

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