Anti-Crisis Strategies for Moving Your Business Abroad
Photo Courtesy: Dmitry Mitrohin / Ivan Irbis

Anti-Crisis Strategies for Moving Your Business Abroad

By: Diana Dorf

In a recent interview with Ivan Irbis, a renowned international producer and founder of the successful PR agency IRBIS MEDIA GROUP, shared insights on how he developed his business in Russia and expanded it to a global level.

Q: Ivan, what was your journey before becoming a successful entrepreneur?

Ivan Irbis: I was born 36 years ago in Moscow and have spent nearly my entire life in Russia, where I honed my professional skills. I graduated with a degree in journalism from one of the top universities in Moscow. My career began at a record label that worked with the band Tatu, which gained popularity even in the USA. Later, I had the opportunity to meet Enrique Iglesias, the singer, and that marked the beginning of my significant career—I launched a PR agency called IRBIS MEDIA GROUP.

Q: Tell us about your agency. What makes it unique?

Ivan Irbis: I have been in the PR industry for nearly 20 years, while my company has been operating for 13 years. Over this time, I have accumulated extensive expertise and developed my unique vision. The core concept was to create a full-service agency offering a wide range of services. We can provide almost everything! Our PR services cater to celebrities in show business and professionals from various fields, and we also work with large companies to address their marketing needs. Event organization is one of our key focuses.

Q: What types of events does your team organize?

Ivan Irbis: We manage both bespoke events and our own projects. For nearly a decade, we have organized two beauty pageants: ‘Miss Federation’ and ‘Miss Dubai.’ Additionally, we host the ‘Fashion Battle’ project for fashion designers and brands, as well as the ‘Best of the Best’ award, which honors professionals from various sectors. Notably, this award was founded by our glossy magazine Megapolis Time*, which is another one of my ventures.

Q: You are also involved in the publishing industry. Can you tell us more about that?

Ivan Irbis: Megapolis Time, our magazine, has gained immense popularity in Moscow among affluent audiences, defying initial forecasts. We launched it nine years ago, during a time when many were declaring the demise of print media in favor of digital formats. Nevertheless, the publication has proven to be remarkably resilient and successful!

Q: In Russia, you are known as a producer and a prominent figure. What projects have you produced?

Ivan Irbis: Over the years, I have collaborated with various Russian TV channels and radio stations, producing several media projects, some of which I hosted. I have received multiple awards as the best producer and presenter of the year.

Q: How did your global expansion begin?

Ivan Irbis: Since 2018, we have actively explored the European market as well as the Middle East. This venture has been incredibly successful, allowing us to establish valuable connections worldwide. However, the Russian business remained our primary focus, even as I felt I was outgrowing it. This changed dramatically after the outbreak of the war in 2022.

Q: What happened to your business in Russia in 2022?

Ivan Irbis: My business operations came to a standstill, and I believed everything was destroyed. Both the agency and the magazine ceased to function. My family chose to emigrate from Russia, and many of my team members left as well. We do not support the current situation in our country.

Q: What anti-crisis actions did you take?

Ivan Irbis: I dedicated a year and a half to home improvement and renovation, acquiring four new properties and resolving various documentation issues. Currently, IRBIS MEDIA GROUP is registered in Turkey, with our head office located in Dubai. Many of our employees connect with us through video calls and messaging platforms. Megapolis Time has transitioned into an online publication, and we are preparing to launch an English version. We no longer organize events in Russia. Our team has evolved into a highly effective unit, collaborating with clients from diverse countries. Conditions have stabilized, and we now operate as an international agency with over 15,000 media partners worldwide, which enhances our success even further.

Q: Why did you choose Dubai for your head office?

Ivan Irbis: I chose Dubai because it is a truly international city and a global hub. It boasts a welcoming community where background matters less than experience, talent, and professional skills. In this environment, building a career can be as accessible as it is in the USA.

Q: What was the most challenging aspect of transitioning from the local market to the international market?

Ivan Irbis: You might be surprised to hear this, but I faced no significant challenges. I expected the transition to be much more difficult, but it was surprisingly smooth. When you possess extensive experience, strong contacts, and a solid reputation, you are welcomed with open arms everywhere. Navigating the local market was far more challenging than entering the international arena.

Anti-Crisis Strategies for Moving Your Business Abroads
Photo Courtesy: Dmitry Mitrohin / @ivanirbis

Q: What are you grateful for in this experience?

Ivan Irbis: This period has imparted lessons that are far more significant than any university course or client project. Often, difficult situations in life and business serve as springboards to new heights. I am grateful that this is what occurred for me. While I don’t often express this, today, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my entire team for their patience and understanding! All of my colleagues and partners are professionals who are highly sought after by my competitors. It would have been entirely reasonable for some of them to consider opportunities with other agencies. However, that was rarely necessary, as they chose to stay with me. I had mentally prepared myself to search for new talent, yet we remained in touch throughout. Honestly, the past year posed relentless challenges. Many of my colleagues literally struggled to survive and sought additional income sources. I redirected all incoming PR inquiries from Russia to them. Once I established myself and gained stability in Turkey and Dubai, I immediately began providing projects and salaries to everyone. I felt immense relief knowing that my best employees remained with me, emerging stronger than ever—an incredible achievement. My team believes in me, our current offerings, and actively generates new ideas for future successes. I recognize that with their support, anything is possible!

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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