9-Figure Media Reveals Publicity Hacks for Startups and Small Businesses

According to a survey carried out by 9-Figure Media, a leading public relations company in the world, new businesses are plagued with a lot of downfalls, but the biggest of them all is lack of publicity. This lack of publicity pushes them farther down into near non-existence.

To overcome this, Ron Deiz, a spokesperson for 9-Figure Media, hints that “today’s buyers are smarter than ever. Before making a decision to buy from you, they search on Google to find information about you. If they cannot find anything, you lose that buyer to your next competitor.”

Clearly, buying from your competitor means that since your business is not publicized, they quickly move to one publicized: your competitors’.

To increase brand visibility, brands have options of getting on social media platforms, using SEO strategies, publishing press releases, and brand advertisements like Google ads, Facebook ads, etc.

Expert entrepreneurs have found tested and trusted methods from a long time to put their brand name out there. The following are some tested and trusted ways to give your brand the publicity it needs to grow.

Target Your Audience By Getting Published In Top News Outlets

Getting on top news publications is a great way to get brand visibility. Entrepreneurs who have been opportune to get their brands on global news giants like Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo News, the Nasdaq, etc showcase their brands before their target audience, thereby enabling them to smash their competitors.

Entrepreneurs shouldn’t be downcast if they’ve not been published on these platforms. It is advised to reach out to a top PR company, like 9-Figure Media, who can get them featured on these top tier global media giants with powerful articles that tell how your brand helps your target audience overcome their challenges.

Brand visibility on these platforms and their websites puts brands and business owners in front of their target audience.

Work With a Publicist That Guarantees Publication

Most PR agencies don’t guarantee publication. And truly, most top media outlets won’t let public relations companies publish their client’s news stories in their publication. However, there are a handful of publicists that have built solid relationships with these top publications.

Publicists like this can guarantee publication to these top global news outlets like Bloomberg, Business Insider, Forbes, etc. Those are the kind of PR agencies you should work with. For instance, 9-Figure Media is one of those few companies who can guarantee publication.

9-Figure Media Holds Your Brand by the Hand

Trust and credibility are two major factors that attract customers to your brand. 

To achieve this feat, brands usually outsource it to PR agencies. Brands should look for PR agencies with impressive track records, proof of high success rates, and experience working with brands from different industries. 

9-Figure Media is a pocket-friendly PR agency firmly rooted in helping brands get publicity, increase conversion rates, and build trust and credibility on authority news sites that your target audience visits daily.

PR agency 9-Figure Media has played an important role in helping brands make a fundamental shift from startups to a credible and renowned brand in a short span of time. 9-Figure is an expert in crafting compelling PR and new articles to 200 major media houses like Bloomberg, CBS, Forbes, New York Times, etc.

As a leading PR agency, 9-Figure Media offers amazing discounts that help startups save a lot and still get the publicity they need. 

Business analysts believe PR agency 9-Figure Media is a game changer when it comes to putting brands before their target audience.

Effective communication and collaboration are needed between a PR agency and a brand to identify the needs of the brand and provide the necessary information used by the PR agency to craft impressive PR campaigns for the brand.

Only an exceptional public relations agency like 9-Figure Media can ensure impressively favorable results. This public relations firm works on all aspects to promote its clients’ brands to gain notability and search visibility.

Don’t Sit On the Fence – Start Getting Publicity for Your Brand

Choosing a right PR agency seems like a challenging task. Choosing a great one seems harder. That’s why 9-Figure Media has made amazing and proven progress working with brands, both startups, struggling businesses, and even Fortune 500 companies, to build trust, establish credibility and manage crises that could hurt a brand’s image.

9-Figure Media offers low and competitive fees to help its clients save and focus on other business needs, still serving success on a silver platter.

Don’t sit on the fence, contact 9-Figure Media today to get started on your brand’s amazing journey to visibility. To start building your PR campaign, visit them at www.9figuremedia.com to talk with their team of PR experts.

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