How Onsego Helped Jeremy Get His GED and Make More Money

How Onsego Helped Jeremy Get His GED and Make More Money

By: Joshua Finley

Onsego is an online course that helps people prepare for the GED test. After passing this test, people without high school diplomas get a high school equivalency diploma, which has the same value as a traditional diploma.

Jeremy K was one of these people. He dropped out a few years ago and recently struggled to get a better job. The money he made while working two jobs was barely enough to survive.

Jeremy and his wife simply needed more income to pay the bills and feed their two kids, but the jobs didn’t pay enough. While better-paid jobs were available, they required an HS or GED diploma. But no matter how hard Jeremy tried, he just couldn’t pass his GED test until he heard about Onsego.

There are many ways to prepare for the GED test: traditional night classes in community colleges, weekend classes at adult education centers, often offered for free, free YouTube videos, or online courses such as Onsego.

Having a GED (America’s high school equivalency diploma) would qualify Jeremy for better-paying positions, but his two jobs kept him from attending a GED prep class at his community college. Watching free videos on YouTube didn’t work as well for him.

Jeremy’s Story

Jeremy said: “I only misled myself by watching free YouTube videos. I had no plan; I just watched some videos, but that didn’t really help me get ahead. But to secure a decently paying job, I needed my GED!

Whatever I did wasn’t working for me, and my two jobs tired me out. So when I came home late at night, I didn’t have the energy to follow the often long, boring lessons that came with some programs I signed up for.

Then, one of my coworkers told me about Onsego. She said she registered for this online course and earned her GED diploma in just three months! At first, I didn’t believe her, but after she explained how Onsego works and showed me her diploma, I decided to try it.

And boy, am I glad I did! This course is so different from anything else I tried. There are no long, tiring lessons, which I had problems with before. The full GED curriculum is presented in small bits.

So when I went home at night, I could watch a few short lessons, and the included short practice tests helped me retain the subject matter quite easily!

In fact, after only one month of learning with Onsego, I was ready to take the GED Social Studies test. The short video lessons taught me all I had to know, and I passed this GED part with flying colors! Amazing, wouldn’t you agree?

Passing this one test gave me such a boost that, during the following two months, I also passed the other three GED exams. However, I need to say that if Onsego had not included a fantastic GED calculator course that enabled me to pass the math section, things would have been a lot harder because I’m definitely not a math guy!

So, I earned my GED in three months, just like my colleague did. I applied for a better (and far better paying) position in one of the companies I work for, and I got the job! Now, the future for my family and me looks bright, but if she hadn’t told me about Onsego, my future might have been less promising forever…

Thanks to Onsego, I only have to work one job now, so I can spend more time with my family and have some money left at the end of the month.

About The GED Test

The GED Test is America’s most widely used high school equivalency test. It offers individuals who could not complete their high school curriculum the opportunity to earn a diploma that is accepted just like a conventional high school degree by post-secondary schools and employers.

The GED Test is entirely computer-based and can be taken at state-certified testing facilities or, in most states, online. It includes four separate, independent, modular sub-exams that measure a candidate’s knowledge level in mathematics, science, social studies, and the English language.

About Onsego

Onsego is a well-known GED prep course accredited by the GED Testing Service. It is favored by students who value independence and a straightforward approach.

Published by: Josh Tatunay

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