Nigerian Entrepreneurs in the Global Arena Tokunbo Fasoro
Photo Courtesy: Tokunbo Fasoro

Nigerian Entrepreneurs in the Global Arena: Tokunbo Fasoro

By: Chiara Accardi

Get ready to meet a powerhouse of inspiration and hope for thousands of girls and people in Lagos, Nigeria. We are talking about the award-winning Tokunbo Fasoro. She is a Certified Global HR Professional, a Business Coach, an author, and a fashion entrepreneur. Throughout her adult life, Tokunbo has inspired people in their personal and professional lives, especially women and girls, with her books, talks, empowerment programs, and, most importantly, by helping women succeed using fashion as a tool. She is now building a global fashion business inspired by her mother’s fashion sense.

Fasoro’s story is one of relentless determination. She balanced a 15-year career in HR with her growing fashion business and never lost sight of her dreams. Driven by personal experiences of overcoming adversity, failures, and rejections, she detailed her journey in her book “The Persistent Woman: Overcoming 20 Years of Rejection.”

Today, she is transforming her passion for fashion into a thriving global brand, Lioness by TF. This premium luxury fashion brand is driven by a vision “to see women WIN using fashion as a tool.” This interview delves into her inspirational journey and the driving force behind Lioness by TF.

1. From a successful HR career to launching your fashion brand, what was the most challenging step to take and apply?

Tokunbo: HR was a profession I loved. I enjoyed working with people, especially interviewing and training. I could stand in high heels all day to train if it meant lives were being transformed. As a subject matter expert, I loved traveling, meeting, and working with new people. After work, I would hit the stores every day to see what was new in fashion—I just couldn’t separate fashion from anything I did.

The toughest step was leaving HR to build a global fashion brand completely. Making that announcement on LinkedIn was a real struggle and incredibly difficult. The training aspect I loved so much and the connection with people will always be a part of me. Currently, I am mentoring and training one existing brand and two new brands in the fashion industry. This process made me realize I could somewhat have the best of both worlds.

2. Let’s discuss your book, The Persistent Woman. You mention overcoming 20 years of rejection. How did you shape your business approach while facing that?

Tokunbo: Growing up and into my adult life, I faced many struggles. People would tell my parents not to waste their time on me, claiming I could never amount to anything. I encountered numerous setbacks, failed many times, and cried often. I was surrounded by the wrong people—girls who made me feel that being their friend was a privilege. They saw through my insecurities and bullied me constantly. At some point, I began to wonder if life was worth it.

Then, I met someone who saw greatness inside me. She would shut me up whenever I spoke negatively about myself. Meeting her was the beginning of my transformation. I became determined to succeed and overcome whatever challenges came my way. I started dreaming big, telling myself, “If you can think it, you can do it.” Those dreams grew in my mind, and I was determined to be limitless.

Even though I still failed and struggled, my mindset was in a better place. I would cry but not for long, and then I would immediately ask myself, “What’s the next step forward?” I refused to stay stuck. This mindset brought the growth I needed in every area of my life, especially in shaping my business.

3. Can you elaborate on your work with women and girls in Oworo, Lagos? What impact do you create there, and how do you connect with people so deeply in terms of business and personal issues?

Tokunbo: When I first stepped into the slums of Oworo, I was heartbroken by the extreme poverty and poor living conditions. Many families could barely afford to eat once a day, and countless children over the age of five were not in school. I immediately knew I needed to create something sustainable to address this dire situation.

Through my nonprofit, we offer comprehensive solutions aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty. Our Skill Acquisition Programs provide training in various skills, enabling women and girls to gain competencies for employment or entrepreneurship. We also offer Start-Up Capital and Entrepreneurial Management Programs with financial support and management training to help women start and sustain their businesses.

Our Core Mindset Transformation Programs focus on changing mindsets, helping women and girls recognize their intrinsic value and potential. Additionally, our Education Initiatives steer girls away from harmful practices by educating them on finding and creating value in themselves.

A significant percentage of the profits from my fashion brand, Lioness by TF, supports these initiatives. Our mission is to create a brighter and more sustainable future, promoting dignity and fostering better lives through education, skill development, and community engagement.

Nigerian Entrepreneurs in the Global Arena Tokunbo Fasoro
Photo Courtesy: Tokunbo Fasoro

4. The vision “to see women WIN using fashion as a tool” itself is so powerful that it can be sustained for a long time. So, what are your long-term goals for Lioness by TF? 

Tokunbo: Our long-term goal and aspiration for Lioness by TF is to leave a legacy of empowerment and innovation in the fashion industry. We aim to inspire and uplift women through fashion, demonstrating that elegance, comfort, and decency can coexist harmoniously. We want Lioness by TF to be remembered for its commitment to quality and its rich cultural heritage while also being a trailblazer in sustainable and ethical practices.

To achieve this, we plan to set up premium stores across the world, making ourunique designs accessible to a global audience. We will continuously develop timeless pieces that set the brand apart, maintaining our reputation for high-quality and distinctive style. Additionally, we are committed to empowering women through events and mentoring programs, fostering a community of strong, confident individuals who share our values.

Furthermore, we aim to empower lives by becoming a major employer across the globe, creating job opportunities and supporting local economies. Our ultimate vision is to inspire a global movement that sees fashion as a means to uplift and empower women everywhere.

5. How do you balance your roles as an entrepreneur, author, and speaker? Which do you give more priority to?

Tokunbo: I think I was born an entrepreneur. I started selling hair bands and other hair fashion accessories to my classmates from grade 9—it’s my way of life. Authoring is an opportunity to share my experiences and inspire others. Most of my speaking engagements focus on inspiring women in various areas of life, such as faith, personal development, entrepreneurship, and fashion. I am a woman of many parts, and over the years, I have learned to focus on the things I love and am passionate about. If you notice, everything I do is intertwined. Each role supports and enhances the others, allowing me to balance them naturally.

6. Can you share a pivotal moment from your childhood that sparked your passion for fashion? And also, when were you sure you had to make it at any cost?

Tokunbo: A pivotal moment from my childhood that sparked my passion for fashion was watching my mother. She had an impeccable sense of style and elegance that fascinated me. I loved to watch movies where women dressed up really nicely and were almost addicted to glossy fashion magazines. These experiences nurtured my love for fashion and planted the seeds of a lifelong passion.

The moment I was completely sure that I had to make it at any cost came when I connected with someone who changed my mindset about life. This person made me realize that successful people don’t have two heads and that if they could succeed, then I could succeed as well. I knew I had to work on my circle of influence, including social media, and ensure that I surrounded myself with people who could inspire me to greatness through their posts, books, or just being around them. It’s been an amazing journey, and I am grateful because, as they say, you become like the people you surround yourself with.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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