Chuck Morgan Crime Fiction Author LLC Celebrating an Award-Winning Crime Series
Photo Courtesy: Chuck Morgan

Chuck Morgan Crime Fiction Author LLC: Celebrating an Award-Winning Crime Series

Chuck Morgan, a seasoned author known for his thrilling crime fiction series, has captivated readers with his intriguing tales and relatable characters. His extensive background, including a degree from Seton Hall University and Regis College, as well as a thirty-five-year career as a construction project manager, lends authenticity to his writing. An avid outdoorsman, Eagle Scout, and licensed private pilot, Morgan’s love for adventure and the Colorado mountains is evident in his work.

The Buck Taylor Crime Series stands out in the realm of crime fiction. Morgan’s stories, featuring Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent Buck Taylor, are celebrated for their fast-paced plots and real-world characters. Unlike many crime series that rely on over-the-top protagonists, Morgan’s characters are everyday law enforcement officers tackling crime in the rugged Colorado terrain, making them highly relatable to readers. This sense of realism is a cornerstone of Morgan’s writing, offering readers a glimpse into the true nature of crime-solving far removed from the sensationalized portrayals often seen in the genre.

Morgan’s talent and dedication have earned him numerous accolades. His book “Crime Delayed” was a finalist for the 2019 Pacific Book Awards for Best Mystery. In 2020, “Crime Denied” not only won the Best Mystery category at the Pacific Book Awards but also took the 1st Place Blue Ribbon in the CLUE Book Awards for Suspense and Thriller Fiction. His subsequent works have consistently been recognized by the Chanticleer International Book Awards, with titles such as “Crime Conspiracy,” “Crime Exploded,” and “Crime Spree” securing finalist positions. The entire Buck Taylor Crime Series has also been a finalist for the Mystery & Mayhem Book Awards. This impressive array of awards underscores Morgan’s ability to consistently deliver compelling and high-quality crime fiction.

Morgan’s memoir, “Her Name Was Jane,” offers a poignant and heartfelt account of his late wife’s nine-year battle with breast cancer, adding depth to his portfolio as an author. This personal story highlights Morgan’s versatility as a writer, showcasing his ability to navigate both fiction and non-fiction with equal skill. The memoir not only provides a touching tribute to his wife’s courage and resilience but also demonstrates Morgan’s adeptness at conveying deep emotion and personal experience in his writing.

Readers and critics alike praise Morgan’s ability to craft engaging narratives. Reviews often highlight the unpredictable nature of his mysteries and the compelling twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. One reviewer noted, “Many mysteries are almost predictable. 

Chuck Morgan really brings the reader along on a wild ride.” Another praised the relatable nature of Buck Taylor, stating, “While reading, Buck seems to become a friend and this makes the book difficult to put down. Intriguing crime stories.” This consistent praise from both readers and critics attests to Morgan’s skill in creating suspenseful and relatable stories that resonate deeply with his audience.

Morgan’s unique approach to crime fiction, focusing on the realistic depiction of law enforcement officers and their challenges, sets his work apart from other authors in the genre. His books do not feature superhuman detectives or overly dramatic heroes; instead, they present authentic characters navigating the complexities of crime-solving in the Colorado mountains. This authenticity and relatability have garnered a loyal following among readers. The setting of the Colorado mountains adds another layer of intrigue and beauty to the stories, with Morgan’s descriptive prowess bringing the rugged landscape to life.

Living in Lone Tree, Colorado, with his three children, four grandchildren, and a Siberian Husky, Morgan continues to write and explore the great outdoors. His passion for hiking, mountain biking, camping, and fly-fishing not only enriches his personal life but also adds a layer of realism and detail to his crime stories, further immersing readers in the world he creates. This connection to nature and the Colorado environment is evident in the vivid descriptions and authentic settings that characterize his books.

Chuck Morgan Crime Fiction Author LLC continues to captivate audiences with its award-winning crime series, promising more thrilling adventures and compelling stories in the future. As Morgan’s reputation grows, so too does the anticipation for his next release, ensuring that his work will remain a staple in the libraries of crime fiction enthusiasts for years to come.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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