Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

If you have been struck by a truck due to the negligence of the truck driver, such as drunk driving, speeding, fatigue, or other reasons, you may be entitled to compensation. 

Accident victims may stress out and may face catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spinal cord injuries, broken bones, amputations, or even paralysis and wrongful death in extreme cases. You may need an experienced New York Truck Accident Attorney who can guide you on how to proceed with the truck accident case.  

Reasons to Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer

An experienced truck accident attorney can analyze your case, gather evidence, and investigate your accident case to help create a strong defense strategy for you. Gregory Spektor & Associates P.C. is one of the experienced law firms in injury cases such as truck accident claims and provides excellent legal services and personalized solutions to their esteemed clients. This article discusses reasons why you could benefit from hiring a truck wreck attorney.

Trucks and Trucking Companies are Bigger than You

Getting injured by a truck can be devastating and cause you more severe injuries than a car crash. If you want to sue a trucking company that has employed a driver who has hit you, you may have to be knowledgeable about the legal system and laws. A lawyer will not only guide you on how to pursue compensation but can also represent your case in court. 

The Company May Use Bad-Faith Tactics

The victim must not sign on any papers or give any recording at the time of the accident. This may weaken their case if they admit that they are partially responsible or accept the lowball settlement offered by the adjusters. If you have a lawyer for your truck accident case, they may negotiate on your behalf with the company and can prevent you from signing and accepting a low settlement for your claim.  

When you are severely injured, the insurance companies may call you asking for more details about the case, which can be stressful. Your lawyer can help you in such a situation by telling you what to say and what not to say to them before the case is resolved.

Helps Prove the Liable Parties

When you face a truck accident, you may think that the truck driver is responsible for the same. However, truck accident cases are complicated and require legal assistance. The lawyer can help to prove the negligence was caused by the truck driver; they did not practice duty of care, and their breach of duty caused you injury. Therefore, it is vital to have legal guidance as they have the expertise, experience, and knowledge about the laws prevailing in your state. 

Sometimes, the liable parties may be the manufacturer or the trucking company. If you have a lawyer on your side, they can determine the liable parties that caused the truck accident. If government authorities are involved, then the case can take a different turn. Therefore, knowing the liable parties before filing the claim is beneficial.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is provided for general knowledge. It does not constitute legal advice, and readers should seek advice from qualified legal professionals regarding particular cases or situations.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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