Rachel Kennedy, Founder of The Kennedy Curate and 2022 Ambassador Ms. International

Rachel Kennedy is a high level entrepreneur who is the founder of The Kennedy Curate. Her company provides its clients with complete SEO and copywriting services to help boost their influence, connect with their ideal clients through Google, and build online authority. A successful entrepreneur for over a decade, she is committed to helping people understand how to scale their business and transform their life by learning to speak what she calls “Google’s love language of SEO.” More recently, her success has earned her the title of Ms. Ambassador International Pageants® Florida. Her hope is that she can bring tangible change and support for worthy causes by connecting the “feminine” pageant world with the more “masculine” business world.


Kennedy grew up in a very traditional, southern household. So when she left home and experienced the tension between men and women in the corporate world, she was surprised. “I was very shocked. I had always seen men as partners, so I didn’t understand why people were looking for reasons not to do business with each other.” Although it was the norm to have this competition and for women to develop this toxic hustle mentality, Kennedy determined that she would not do business this way. Seeing the fierce independence, reliance, and insistence on working long hours, she made it her intention to do the opposite. Rather than doing business as a direct competition with her male counterparts, she looked for ways to combine her strengths with their strengths. “I don’t know everything and I didn’t want to. That’s the beauty of business. You get to be led and learn as you grow.”

For the last twelve years, she has built a thriving business while leaning into her feminine side and helping to cancel the toxic “hustle culture” that has dominated business for decades. 

Business and Pageants

In the last few years, Rachel Kennedy noticed that there has been a positive change in the business world. “There’s an interesting shift happening in the corporate world today where women are infusing their femininity back into their business practices and taking on this mentality of working together and embracing community over competition.” As an ambassador for International Pageants® Florida, her mission is to capitalize on this shift. “Women are naturally strong communicators and team builders, and this feminine trait is crucial in business, not just pageants.” International Pageant Title holders are business leaders, voices for humanitarian causes and community leaders that have the ability to help spur a lasting change in their communities. The problem is that there often seems to be a disconnect between these incredible women and the businesses and organizations that could benefit from the added exposure and resources of these women. She believes that women are obligated to collaborate with each other and men to address this problem. “As a woman in business today, I believe our role is to lead positive communication, build teams, and collaborate. We need to take responsibility for making a difference.” As Ambassador Ms. International, Kennedy is looking to lead by example and pave the way for a better, more collaborative future – particularly for the Pageant Title holders in the State of Florida where she conducts a lot of business.

Her Motivation

While she certainly stays busy running her business and  supporting her fellow court members such as: Mrs. Sandi Glandt, Miss Reem Tayara, Miss Pre-Teen Scarlett Cardone, and Miss Teen Sabrina Cardone, she loves what she does and who she has become in the process. She enjoys what she has created and how she has been able to help others to build their careers as they embrace the feminine side of their business. To anyone looking to find their passion for business, she gives this advice. “What would you do even if you weren’t being paid to do it? Do that.” Her final piece of advice is to enjoy the process of aligning with your dreams and creating your purpose more than achieving the goal itself. “I always tell people it’s not about the money or the fame, it’s who you become along the way.” Although she has helped thousands of clients to change their lives and built a multi seven-figure company along the way, she realizes that the internal growth has been more fulfilling. She believes that self-awareness, generosity and discipline are the keys to building a life that matters. 

About Rachel Kennedy

Rachel Kennedy is the founder of The Kennedy Curate. Her company specializes in SEO and bespoke copywriting services. She also spends her time as Ambassador Ms. International looking to spotlight charities and businesses that she can partner with to bring about a tangible change in the world. If you are looking to learn more about Rachel Kennedy and her business the Kennedy Curate, you can visit her webpage. You can also follow her on her Instagram for daily inspiration and updates!


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