How Ricky Mendez Is Giving Back To Kids In A New Way In 2022

Ricky Mendez is not your everyday motivational speaker – in-fact, he’s not a motivational speaker at all. The founder of MPower Prosperity – an organization that focuses on mindset and prosperity planning, insists he’s an implementation speaker. 

“Whenever I’m doing a talk, I ask that they implement that day,” he says sitting in his Lower Manhattan suite – photos of his mentors adorning the walls of his study. “I share a lot of exercises that take a few seconds to do, but neurochemically that person changes, biologically that person changes, and when they get a little taste of it, it becomes addictive because it makes us feel good.” 

What the charismatic and energetic Mendez credits for his quantum shift from the public speaking sphere, to founding MPower Prosperity was a chance encounter with an audience member at a wellness event in Southern California. “A woman confided in me that what I gave her to implement changed her life so I quit my job. I knew at that point that I needed a corporation,” he laughs. But there was method to the madness as Mendez’ drive to utilize the power of influence brought him success in the form of a billion-dollar company – albeit, an inconsistent one. 

It wasn’t until he confided in one of the mentors he credits with his success – that he began to savor the fruits of his work. “When we had my offices in Southern California we’d dominate one month and suck the next, and so the first mentor outside of my family was a guy named Weldon Long and he told me I was missing the most important thing – mindset and prosperity planning. Since that day we exploded.”  

However, the shift from – as Mendez coins it, “working in corporate America,” to helping others attract greatness into their lives wasn’t based around focusing on the monetary aspect but the ability to shift perspective to feel empowered. This link between Mendez’ methodology to the success of others is the mastery of directing clients’ minds toward the life they desire using mind-hack methods in order to condition the brain to change their perspective. For example, his ‘Gratitude Poem,’ a collective of messages transcending the human mind to express appreciation for uncontrollable – sometimes unpleasant events.

He envisions a metaphorical flight from L.A. to New York with a screaming baby, and states his gratitude for the noise being made because it means he can hear. “We complicate simplicity all the time. Our brains cannot be grateful and fearful at the same time; therefore, we have to choose one. How good am I at converting that negative energy to positive – gratitude.” The story of Viktor Frankl’s horrific experience in the Auschwitz camps give perspective to Mendez’ philosophy. Frankl’s best-selling Man’s Search for Meaning details the time spent in the Nazi concentration camps where he concluded that life never ceases to have meaning – even in suffering and death. “When I’m having a tough time, I’ll say to myself [is this a Viktor Frankl problem]?” 

Along with gratitude, Mendez states that the secret to living is giving. “I believe giving and love is intertwined; the most important relationship is with ourselves and when we give to ourselves – that self love, it’s the most powerful force.” 

Despite not having any children of his own, Mendez’ desire to empower future generations has resulted in a plethora of young mentors being the inspiration behind the idea for a children’s book, which is slated for publication in 2022. “Children are eternal optimists,” he wisely points out. “They have yet to be conditioned by the fear of their limitations.” The yet-to-be titled book revolves around the Australian animal the Quokka – which has earned the reputation of being “the world’s happiest animals.” “The book is all in rhyme, while I’m a huge proponent of women’s empowerment. The mentor in the book is a woman, and she teaches the Quokka (named Grateful Grayson) how to change a certain perspective to create self-empowerment.” 

The term “for purpose” is a business model that Mendez envisions taking-off over the next few years, and one he plans to use upon the release of his children’s book. The idea behind it is to create for the purpose of a better society. For Mendez, every time someone buys a copy of his book, one gets donated to an orphanage. He credits Cole Hatter, founder of Thrive – a Las Vegas-based forum for world-renowned entrepreneurs, as the inspiration behind the idea. Hatter is one of many impactful guides who have helped shape Mendez’ philosophy of living by your message – a mantra he urges society to embrace. 

Ricky Mendez mentorship revolves around gratitude and generosity, though it’s power that is the biggest human obstacle. “We live in a world that is conditioned by fear and limitations, and practicality. We need to understand that we’re unbelievably powerful.” 

Ricky Mendez is the founder of MPower Prosperity who mentors business owners to increase revenue while building a culture and foundation that can support explosive growth.  

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