Phil Ross Making America Fit Again, Five Minutes Daily
Photo Courtesy: Phil Ross

Master Phil Ross is Making America Fit Again, Five Minutes at a Time

By: PR Fueled

Phil Ross has devoted his life to health, fitness and developing physical self-reliance, and he has the credentials to prove it. He holds Black Belts in four forms of martial arts, has extensive experience as a competitor and trainer in wrestling, kickboxing, and bodybuilding, has academic expertise in physiology and sports science, and has taught advanced techniques of self-defense to law enforcement and military special forces personnel across the country.

As a teacher, author, and public speaker, the man known to his colleagues and students alike as Master Phil has been on a quest to spread the word about the immense benefits people can enjoy by exercising, participating in sports and just staying active in general. And as Phil Ross is all too aware, this is a message that Americans need to hear now more than ever.

Why is fitness so essential right now? Because America in the 21st century has developed an ominous and frightening obesity problem, as the latest shocking statistics reveal.

In the past two decades, adult obesity rates in the United States have risen by more than one-third. This translates to a 43% obesity rate, with an incredible 70% of adults classified as obese or overweight.  Even more disturbingly, nearly 20% of children are now classified as obese, which represents a sad and stunning failure for our society as a whole.

As Phil outlines, this is a direct consequence of the modern American lifestyle, which is increasingly defined by rampant overconsumption combined with extreme inactivity.  

“Our lives are far more sedentary than that of many of our parents, and especially our grandparents,” Phil says, commenting on a societal change that has had a profound impact on the health of his home country. “The importance of moving one’s body cannot be stressed enough. The lack of physical activity plays a huge role in obesity, although of course it is not the only reason. The sugar and fat laden food that we consume doesn’t help matters. But more than anything we need to move. And do it more often.”

Rather than lament the current state of affairs, Phil Ross is trying to do something about it. He is launching a one-man campaign to make America healthy and fit again, and the opening salvo in his battle against unhealthy living is a new book on exercise and fitness he has just published, entitled ‘Exercise Snacks: Fitness 5 Minutes at a Time.’

In this snappy and inspirational new fitness manual, Phil Ross includes dozens of five-minute exercise routines that address a comprehensive range of strength, flexibility and conditioning needs. Broken down into small chunks of time that even the busiest people can handle, Phil demonstrates to his readers how they can develop an impressive level of physical prowess by simply piling one five-minute workout onto another over the course of several weeks or months, until exercising for 30-60 minutes a day comes as naturally to them as walking or breathing.

Phil Ross’ Recipe for a Fitness Revolution

Most people realize the importance of fitness in the abstract. But too often they feel intimidated by the challenges involved in starting and then maintaining an exhaustive exercise routine. If they actually work up the gumption to start an exercise program they will usually end up quitting within a few weeks, as the mental and physical demands of their exercise schedule are simply too much to bear.

From Phil Ross´ perspective, it is the ´too much´ here that causes all the problems. He understands why people become discouraged when they take an aggressive and ambitious approach to exercise, which is unsustainable because it involves trying to do too much too soon.

What Phil Ross recommends is the opposite approach. The premier method to getting into shape and staying there, Phil proclaims, is to start small and then build up activity levels gradually, letting fitness improve progressively and organically. While progress can seem slow at first, by taking a steady and consistent approach everyone will begin to notice the results at some point. After a few months or weeks, those who’ve adopted Phil’s “exercise snacks” methodology will inevitably notice their strength and endurance expanding as their waistline is receding. They will sleep better, feel compelled to eat better, and begin to feel much more energetic and confident.

What is amazing about this, as Phil Ross is quick to point out, is that it all starts with a simple five-minute commitment to stimulating and invigorating activity. This is a starting point that everyone can manage, which is why Phil chose the exercise snack approach as the centerpiece of his campaign to make Americans fit again.

Phil Ross to the American People: “Be the Superhero in Your Own Story of Triumph”

In the eyes of his avid followers, Phil Ross is sometimes described as if he were some type of superhero. This is understandable, given his unmatched list of accomplishments in combat sports, self-defense, and the world of competitive fitness.

But Phil is far too modest to accept the idea that he is something special. On the contrary, he sees his success as vindication of his methodology, not as confirmation of his unique traits.

With a steady and consistent approach to self-development in any sphere, it is possible to ascend to great heights: this is Phil Ross’ message, and he considers his life story to be a testament to the transformative power of this ‘steady and consistent wins the race’ principle. Phil absolutely practices what he preaches, and he wouldn’t preach it at all if he hadn’t discovered how well it works.

Phil Ross is the opposite of an overnight sensation. He has spent the last several decades pursuing excellence in a vast array of fields, meticulously building a resume of accomplishments that even other professionals in the fitness, martial arts, self-defense and academic realms admire and envy.

“There is no magic in what I’ve accomplished,” Phil insists. “My successes have only been possible because I have adopted the winner´s philosophy, which is to treat time as a precious commodity that should never be wasted.”

As Phil puts it, once a person understands the true potential of time, worthwhile accomplishments that seemed beyond their grasp will suddenly be within their reach. If a person is ready to seize those available moments of time and invest them in exercise, sports, or physical activity in general, they can soar to heights normally only achieved by that most daring of all animals, also known as America’s symbol of strength, courage and freedom, the bald eagle.

The Greatest is Yet to Come

Master Phil Ross is on a crusade to help Americans see the light, to realize the price they will have to pay if they continue to waste their precious free time on social media, gaming, idle web browsing and other trivial pursuits. These wasted moments could be put to much better use, and Phil is optimistic that eventually the American people will realize what is at stake and rise to the challenge.

“Americans have always been known for tackling the toughest jobs, for taking on the most daunting challenges,” Phil states. “They take pride in doing their best and being the best, and that is a legacy that every family and every individual in this nation shares, to this very day. Past failures are the perfect excuse to try again, because the American spirit is imbued with that old-fashioned, never-say-die attitude that has allowed us to contribute so much to the world in such a short time, historically speaking.”

Buoyed by faith in his vision and in the people he is asking to implement it, Phil Ross is convinced that Americans are capable of reversing the decades-long decline in the country’s health and fitness levels. He rejects the notion that Americans have lost their will and their initiative, and that the nation’s best days are behind us as a result. He is certain that Americans will embrace fitness wholeheartedly and enthusiastically,  once he and other fitness ambassadors have made them realize how vital it is to our collective future. They will want to become fit again because it’s the right thing to do for themselves, and most importantly of all for their children, who rely on them to be good role models and to point them in the right direction.

If Phil succeeds in his quest, it will represent his significant accomplishment yet.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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