Behdad Jamshidi- Pioneering the Future of Marketing Brokerages

Behdad Jamshidi: Pioneering the Future of Marketing Brokerages

The digital marketing world is constantly changing. From one day to the next, we’ve got new tools and tactics, strategies, and techniques, and each promises unprecedented growth. For business owners, “keeping up” is overwhelming. Every business requires unique strategies based on individual goals, resources, target audiences, and, well, just about everything. Uncertainty creates fear, and fear leads to bad business decisions.

The Marketing Landscape in 2024

Behdad Jamshidi, founder of CJAM Marketing, saw this problem over and over again: brilliant business owners with a knowledge gap reliant on marketing agencies who straddle the line between doing good work and making money – which ultimately, can’t help but be self-serving. 

What Is a Marketing Broker?

Behdad isn’t your run-of-the-mill marketer. Watching this gap grow, watching the distrust of markets deepen – he created the role of the marketing broker. 

Think of a marketing broker as a high-end personal suit shopper.  A personal shopper’s job is to find the best fits that are completely catered to your needs, lifestyles, personal preferences, etc. They aren’t invested in which shop to buy from; their entire relationship is dependent on getting their clients great results.

Jamshidi, or “Bee,” explains: “We guide businesses, helping them choose where to invest their marketing budget so that every dollar aligns with their broader business goals. Because I’m not doing the marketing, I don’t get some special gain for pushing you towards one decision or the other. I have my little black book of excellent, completely vetted partners in all aspects of marketing – and you get the best of the best based on exactly what you need.”

Navigating the Marketing Landscape

For CJAM, it’s not just “giving advice.” Jamshidi’s team takes a deep dive into understanding a client’s business goals, the market they operate in, and their potential for growth before they recommend any particular path to go down. There is no “one-size-fits” – each strategy is completely unique, tailored specifically to each business’s needs.

With new digital platforms popping up left and right, from giants like Facebook and TikTok to smaller, niche players, businesses face a bewildering array of choices. This can lead to inefficient spending and a scattershot approach to marketing.

“Many clients come to us either overloaded by the sheer number of marketing options or frustrated by past marketing efforts that didn’t pay off. Some have juggled multiple agencies or tried to manage marketing on their own without making much progress. That’s where we step in,” Jamshidi notes.

The Role of a Marketing Broker

Operating as a broker means Jamshidi isn’t tied to any specific service or platform. His team looks at a wide range of options and objectively picks the best ones for each client, based on effectiveness and alignment with business goals – not based on the current “trends.”

The process starts with Jamshidi’s team taking a close look at what the client is currently doing and how well those efforts are serving their overall objectives. It’s a complete audit on performance – first, to find out if their existing partners are doing a good job – and second, to find out if that “job” could be done better. Next, Jamshidi speaks to his network to compile a list of partners that will help move them forward.  Finally, they map out a strategy that could include a mix of digital ads, content marketing, social media engagement, or even less conventional routes like influencer partnerships, affiliate programs or community building.

CJAM Marketing’s Unique Process 

Flexibility is one of the consistent strategies Jamshidi develops for his clients: “The marketing world changes daily. What works today might not work tomorrow, so our plans aren’t rigid. We build them to be flexible and scalable, to change as your business and the marketing landscape do.” 

Without this flexibility built into business strategies, clients will find themselves stuck in the same old thing over and over again. 

Unparalleled Success for CJAM Marketing’s Clients

Jamshidi’s approach has led to one thing: consistent success stories. 

In 2023, one noteworthy win came from working with a retail brand that was too dependent on expensive Google ads. After deep diving into all the efforts they were putting forward, he was able to adjust their strategy to include more content marketing and targeted social media efforts, resulting in the business going from 12 million in revenue to 20 million over the course of a year.

Another success story involves a tech startup that was struggling with traditional B2B marketing strategies. What they were doing was dated as it had worked for them in their initial stages. Like many of Jamshidi’s clients, they had been working with the same small, boutique marketing firm who, while great for companies grossing under 500k/annually – simply didn’t have the skills or resources to help them break into the 7 figure world. Jamshidi found them new partners, which shifted their focus to LinkedIn marketing and building strategic industry partnerships. By the end of the year, they were well on their way to surpassing their revenue goals. 

Clarity and Confidence in Marketing 

In today’s cluttered marketing environment, one that adamantly demands “this way” is the “best way” –  the clarity that a broker like Jamshidi provides –  is priceless. He helps businesses not only save money and time, but spend it on smarter, more effective initiatives. 

“Imagine having someone to help you navigate through the chaos of modern marketing, someone who points you in the right direction, ensuring your marketing efforts are efficient and on target. That’s what we do,” Jamshidi shares. After all, they say: work smarter, not harder.

The Future of Marketing Brokerages

As the digital marketing world continues to expand and evolve, the need for expert navigators like Behdad Jamshidi will only grow. His expertise in cutting through the noise and strategically managing marketing resources offers businesses a significant edge—a pathway to sustained growth and success in a digital-first world.

If you are looking for clarity in your marketing efforts, contact founder Behdad Jamshidi at 

Published by: Nelly Chavez

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