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Windows in Industrial Interiors – What to Consider?

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Exposed brickwork, proudly displayed metal pipes, fabulous, airy warehouses, massive windows. The trend for urban, industrial interiors shows no signs of slowing down.

And why should it? With so many benefits to this quirky, functional, and modern style of living that celebrates repurposing former industrial spaces for relaxed, modern living. But how do you get it right?

That’s the question. What are the key themes of this industrial look? Whether planning a custom build with an industrial preference or just snagged a great new loft in the city, here are the main points to understand.

What’s the deal with urban industrial style rooms?

This decor trend is all about making the most of what’s existing to make a stylistic statement. Think old factory spaces where things like pipelines and bricks were exposed; the urban industrial look is about retaining and celebrating these elements. The other core theme of these kinds of spaces is just that: space. These types of homes are typically spacious and expansive.

It’s about fewer rooms but larger ones: living in a space that might contain a kitchen, dining, and living area all in one. With natural light streaming through beautiful, large windows, originally designed to provide workers ample light for their tasks. Before randomly buying UPVC windows, remember that the urban industrial style is about celebrating functional, large spaces with details that accentuate these natural qualities, not diminish them.


Lighting is crucial for the urban industrial style. Keep an eye out for old metal shades and fixtures. Also, don’t hesitate to get ceiling lights as big as possible, and don’t shy away from something that looks a little worn and has seen better days. If you like the shape, the space will probably accommodate it. Flaws that would look unappealing in smaller rooms take on a new, beautiful dimension when celebrated in an airy environment.


Many people living in industrial-themed spaces prefer neutral, organic color schemes for their soft furnishings like cushions and throws. Khaki green, gray, taupe, off-white. All these colors work well with exposed bricks and metal pipes, creating a calming overall effect. But you can also go the other way and opt for bold, rich colors as they’ll shine through the vast, open spaces.

A fabulous, large, bright rug, which would be too overpowering in more conventional spaces, looks fantastic on bare wooden floors – if you prefer that style, go for it. The trick is not to mix the two unless you’re a very skilled interior designer or have an expert guiding the whole process. Choose between organic and natural or bold and fabulous – not both!

Window Design

Many urban industrial spaces boast large windows. When choosing how to dress customized UPVC windows, ensure that these fabulous natural elements in a room are highlighted optimally. Some people prefer to leave big industrial windows unadorned to enjoy the sunrises and sunsets without having to pull back curtains.

The current window design trend is so-called tinted windows. If you’d like some form of curtain over the window, a simple, large roller blind in a neutral shade like mushroom, dark gray, or even black works well without intruding too much into the room.

If you prefer a curtain that can be drawn, a metal curtain rod probably looks best in such a room. As previously mentioned, bold colors work wonders. Opulent velvet curtains look utterly fabulous, but simple natural fabrics like linen work well too if you prefer this look for the rest of the room.

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